System.Data.DataSet.DeserializeRelations C# (CSharp) 메소드

DeserializeRelations() 개인적인 메소드

private DeserializeRelations ( SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context ) : void
info SerializationInfo
context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext
리턴 void
        private void DeserializeRelations(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
            ArrayList relationList = (ArrayList)info.GetValue("DataSet.Relations", typeof(ArrayList));

            foreach (ArrayList list in relationList)
                string relationName = (string)list[0];
                int[] parentInfo = (int[])list[1];
                int[] childInfo = (int[])list[2];
                bool isNested = (bool)list[3];
                PropertyCollection extendedProperties = (PropertyCollection)list[4];

                //ParentKey Columns.
                DataColumn[] parentkeyColumns = new DataColumn[parentInfo.Length - 1];
                for (int i = 0; i < parentkeyColumns.Length; i++)
                    parentkeyColumns[i] = Tables[parentInfo[0]].Columns[parentInfo[i + 1]];

                //ChildKey Columns.
                DataColumn[] childkeyColumns = new DataColumn[childInfo.Length - 1];
                for (int i = 0; i < childkeyColumns.Length; i++)
                    childkeyColumns[i] = Tables[childInfo[0]].Columns[childInfo[i + 1]];

                //Create the Relation, without any constraints[Assumption: The constraints are added earlier than the relations]
                DataRelation rel = new DataRelation(relationName, parentkeyColumns, childkeyColumns, false);
                rel.CheckMultipleNested = false; // disable the check for multiple nested parent
                rel.Nested = isNested;
                rel._extendedProperties = extendedProperties;

                rel.CheckMultipleNested = true; // enable the check for multiple nested parent