ServiceClientGenerator.GeneratorDriver.GenerateResponse C# (CSharp) 메소드

GenerateResponse() 개인적인 메소드

Generate the response class for the operation.
private GenerateResponse ( Operation operation ) : void
operation Operation The operation object which contains info about what the response needs to contain for the operation
리턴 void
        private void GenerateResponse(Operation operation)
            var suppressResultGeneration = false;
            if (operation.UseWrappingResult)
                // response members will be demoted to a structure contained by a
                // result container class (that is not in the service model)
                var className = operation.Name + "Response";
                string propertyName = null;
                var propertyModifier
                    = this.Configuration.ServiceModel.Customizations.GetPropertyModifier(className, operation.ResponseStructure.Name);
                if (propertyModifier != null && propertyModifier.EmitName != null)
                    propertyName = propertyModifier.EmitName;
                    propertyName = operation.ResponseStructure.Name;

                var resultGenerator = new WrappingResultGenerator
                    Operation = operation,
                    ClassName = className,
                    BaseClass = "AmazonWebServiceResponse",
                    Structure = this.Configuration.ServiceModel.FindShape(operation.ResponseStructure.Name),
                    PropertyName = propertyName

                // emit the wrapping result but do not mark the shape as processed as a consequence
                this.ExecuteGenerator(resultGenerator, resultGenerator.ClassName + ".cs", "Model");
                DetermineStructuresToProcess(resultGenerator.Structure, true);
                // if the operation has a suppressed result modification, use the structure generator to emit
                // an empty xxxxResponse class, derived from AmazonWebServiceResponse
                suppressResultGeneration =
                    operation.ResponseStructure == null ||

                if (suppressResultGeneration)
                    var responseGenerator = new StructureGenerator
                        ClassName = operation.Name + "Response",
                        BaseClass = "AmazonWebServiceResponse",
                        Operation = operation,
                        StructureType = StructureType.Response
                    this.ExecuteGenerator(responseGenerator, responseGenerator.ClassName + ".cs", "Model");
                    var resultGenerator = new StructureGenerator
                        ClassName = operation.Name + "Response",
                        BaseClass = "AmazonWebServiceResponse",
                        IsWrapped = operation.IsResponseWrapped,
                        Operation = operation,
                        StructureType = StructureType.Response
                    if (operation.ResponseStructure != null)
                        if (operation.IsResponseWrapped)
                            // If IsResponseWrapped is true, the operation.ResponseStructure will point to a 
                            // the shape with same name as ResponseWrapper.
                            var resultShape = this.Configuration.ServiceModel.FindShape(operation.ResponseStructure.Name);
                            var innerShape = resultShape.Members[0].Shape;
                            resultGenerator.Structure = innerShape;
                            resultGenerator.Structure =

                    this.ExecuteGenerator(resultGenerator, resultGenerator.ClassName + ".cs", "Model");

                if (operation.ResponseStructure != null)
                    this.DetermineStructuresToProcess(operation.ResponseStructure, false);

            //if (!suppressResultGeneration)
            //    if (operation.ResponseStructure != null)
            //    {
            //        // Mark the shape as processed if it's being referred only as operation's
            //        // output shape and not being referred directly by any other shape or via an
            //        // operation modifier generating an artifical structure not in the service model.
            //        if (!IsShapeReferred(operation.ResponseStructure.Name, this.Configuration.ServiceModel)
            //            && !operation.WrapsResultShape(operation.ResponseStructure.Name))
            //            this._processedStructures.Add(operation.ResponseStructure.Name);
            //    }

            //    // This generates the legacy response class which just extends from the result class.
            //    var responseGenerator = new LegacyResponseClass()
            //    {
            //        OperationName = operation.Name
            //    };

            //    this.ExecuteGenerator(responseGenerator, operation.Name + "Response.cs", "Model");