Rock.Model.FinancialScheduledTransactionService.ProcessPayments C# (CSharp) 메소드

ProcessPayments() 공개 정적인 메소드

Processes the payments.
public static ProcessPayments ( FinancialGateway gateway, string batchNamePrefix, List payments, string batchUrlFormat = "", System.Guid receiptEmail = null ) : string
gateway FinancialGateway The gateway.
batchNamePrefix string The batch name prefix.
payments List The payments.
batchUrlFormat string The batch URL format.
receiptEmail System.Guid The receipt email.
리턴 string
        public static string ProcessPayments( FinancialGateway gateway, string batchNamePrefix, List<Payment> payments, string batchUrlFormat = "", Guid? receiptEmail = null )
            int totalPayments = 0;
            int totalAlreadyDownloaded = 0;
            int totalNoScheduledTransaction = 0;
            int totalAdded = 0;
            int totalReversals = 0;
            int totalStatusChanges = 0;

            var batches = new List<FinancialBatch>();
            var batchSummary = new Dictionary<Guid, List<Decimal>>();
            var initialControlAmounts = new Dictionary<Guid, decimal>();

            var txnPersonNames = new Dictionary<Guid, string>();

            var gatewayComponent = gateway.GetGatewayComponent();

            var newTransactions = new List<FinancialTransaction>();

            using ( var rockContext = new RockContext() )
                var accountService = new FinancialAccountService( rockContext );
                var txnService = new FinancialTransactionService( rockContext );
                var batchService = new FinancialBatchService( rockContext );
                var scheduledTxnService = new FinancialScheduledTransactionService( rockContext );

                var contributionTxnType = DefinedValueCache.Read( Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedValue.TRANSACTION_TYPE_CONTRIBUTION.AsGuid() );

                var defaultAccount = accountService.Queryable()
                    .Where( a =>
                        a.IsActive &&
                        !a.ParentAccountId.HasValue &&
                        ( !a.StartDate.HasValue || a.StartDate.Value <= RockDateTime.Now ) &&
                        ( !a.EndDate.HasValue || a.EndDate.Value >= RockDateTime.Now )
                    .OrderBy( a => a.Order )

                var batchTxnChanges = new Dictionary<Guid, List<string>>();
                var batchBatchChanges = new Dictionary<Guid, List<string>>();
                var scheduledTransactionIds = new List<int>();

                foreach ( var payment in payments.Where( p => p.Amount > 0.0M ) )

                    var scheduledTransaction = scheduledTxnService.GetByScheduleId( payment.GatewayScheduleId );
                    if ( scheduledTransaction != null )
                        // Find existing payments with same transaction code
                        var txns = txnService
                            .Queryable( "TransactionDetails" )
                            .Where( t => t.TransactionCode == payment.TransactionCode )

                        // Calculate whether a transaction needs to be added
                        var txnAmount = CalculateTransactionAmount( payment, txns );
                        if ( txnAmount != 0.0M )
                            scheduledTransactionIds.Add( scheduledTransaction.Id );
                            if ( payment.ScheduleActive.HasValue )
                                scheduledTransaction.IsActive = payment.ScheduleActive.Value;

                            var transaction = new FinancialTransaction();
                            transaction.FinancialPaymentDetail = new FinancialPaymentDetail();

                            transaction.Guid = Guid.NewGuid();
                            transaction.TransactionCode = payment.TransactionCode;
                            transaction.TransactionDateTime = payment.TransactionDateTime;
                            transaction.Status = payment.Status;
                            transaction.StatusMessage = payment.StatusMessage;
                            transaction.ScheduledTransactionId = scheduledTransaction.Id;
                            transaction.AuthorizedPersonAliasId = scheduledTransaction.AuthorizedPersonAliasId;
                            transaction.SourceTypeValueId = scheduledTransaction.SourceTypeValueId;
                            txnPersonNames.Add( transaction.Guid, scheduledTransaction.AuthorizedPersonAlias.Person.FullName );
                            transaction.FinancialGatewayId = gateway.Id;
                            transaction.TransactionTypeValueId = contributionTxnType.Id;

                            if ( txnAmount < 0.0M )
                                transaction.Summary = "Reversal for previous transaction that failed during processing." + Environment.NewLine;

                            var currencyTypeValue = payment.CurrencyTypeValue;
                            var creditCardTypevalue = payment.CreditCardTypeValue;

                            if ( scheduledTransaction.FinancialPaymentDetail != null )
                                if ( currencyTypeValue == null && scheduledTransaction.FinancialPaymentDetail.CurrencyTypeValueId.HasValue )
                                    currencyTypeValue = DefinedValueCache.Read( scheduledTransaction.FinancialPaymentDetail.CurrencyTypeValueId.Value );

                                if ( creditCardTypevalue == null && scheduledTransaction.FinancialPaymentDetail.CreditCardTypeValueId.HasValue )
                                    creditCardTypevalue = DefinedValueCache.Read( scheduledTransaction.FinancialPaymentDetail.CreditCardTypeValueId.Value );

                                transaction.FinancialPaymentDetail.AccountNumberMasked = scheduledTransaction.FinancialPaymentDetail.AccountNumberMasked;
                                transaction.FinancialPaymentDetail.NameOnCardEncrypted = scheduledTransaction.FinancialPaymentDetail.NameOnCardEncrypted;
                                transaction.FinancialPaymentDetail.ExpirationMonthEncrypted = scheduledTransaction.FinancialPaymentDetail.ExpirationMonthEncrypted;
                                transaction.FinancialPaymentDetail.ExpirationYearEncrypted = scheduledTransaction.FinancialPaymentDetail.ExpirationYearEncrypted;
                                transaction.FinancialPaymentDetail.BillingLocationId = scheduledTransaction.FinancialPaymentDetail.BillingLocationId;

                            if ( currencyTypeValue != null )
                                transaction.FinancialPaymentDetail.CurrencyTypeValueId = currencyTypeValue.Id;
                            if ( creditCardTypevalue != null )
                                transaction.FinancialPaymentDetail.CreditCardTypeValueId = creditCardTypevalue.Id;

                            // Try to allocate the amount of the transaction based on the current scheduled transaction accounts
                            decimal remainingAmount = Math.Abs( txnAmount );
                            foreach ( var detail in scheduledTransaction.ScheduledTransactionDetails.Where( d => d.Amount != 0.0M ) )
                                var transactionDetail = new FinancialTransactionDetail();
                                transactionDetail.AccountId = detail.AccountId;

                                if ( detail.Amount <= remainingAmount )
                                    // If the configured amount for this account is less than or equal to the remaining
                                    // amount, allocate the configured amount
                                    transactionDetail.Amount = detail.Amount;
                                    remainingAmount -= detail.Amount;
                                    // If the configured amount is greater than the remaining amount, only allocate
                                    // the remaining amount
                                    transaction.Summary += "Note: Downloaded transaction amount was less than the configured allocation amounts for the Scheduled Transaction.";
                                    transactionDetail.Amount = remainingAmount;
                                    transactionDetail.Summary = "Note: The downloaded amount was not enough to apply the configured amount to this account.";
                                    remainingAmount = 0.0M;

                                transaction.TransactionDetails.Add( transactionDetail );

                                if ( remainingAmount <= 0.0M )
                                    // If there's no amount left, break out of details

                            // If there's still amount left after allocating based on current config, add the remainder
                            // to the account that was configured for the most amount
                            if ( remainingAmount > 0.0M )
                                transaction.Summary += "Note: Downloaded transaction amount was greater than the configured allocation amounts for the Scheduled Transaction.";
                                var transactionDetail = transaction.TransactionDetails
                                    .OrderByDescending( d => d.Amount )
                                if ( transactionDetail == null && defaultAccount != null )
                                    transactionDetail = new FinancialTransactionDetail();
                                    transactionDetail.AccountId = defaultAccount.Id;
                                    transaction.TransactionDetails.Add( transactionDetail );
                                if ( transactionDetail != null )
                                    transactionDetail.Amount += remainingAmount;
                                    transactionDetail.Summary = "Note: Extra amount was applied to this account.";

                            // If the amount to apply was negative, update all details to be negative (absolute value was used when allocating to accounts)
                            if ( txnAmount < 0.0M )
                                foreach ( var txnDetail in transaction.TransactionDetails )
                                    txnDetail.Amount = 0 - txnDetail.Amount;

                            // Get the batch
                            var batch = batchService.Get(
                                batches );

                            var batchChanges = new List<string>();
                            if ( batch.Id != 0 )
                                initialControlAmounts.AddOrIgnore( batch.Guid, batch.ControlAmount );
                            batch.ControlAmount += transaction.TotalAmount;

                            batch.Transactions.Add( transaction );

                            if ( txnAmount > 0.0M && receiptEmail.HasValue )
                                newTransactions.Add( transaction );

                            // Add summary
                            if ( !batchSummary.ContainsKey( batch.Guid ) )
                                batchSummary.Add( batch.Guid, new List<Decimal>() );
                            batchSummary[batch.Guid].Add( txnAmount );

                            if ( txnAmount > 0.0M )

                            foreach ( var txn in txns.Where( t => t.Status != payment.Status || t.StatusMessage != payment.StatusMessage ) )
                                txn.Status = payment.Status;
                                txn.StatusMessage = payment.StatusMessage;


                // Queue a transaction to update the status of all affected scheduled transactions
                var updatePaymentStatusTxn = new Rock.Transactions.UpdatePaymentStatusTransaction( gateway.Id, scheduledTransactionIds );
                Rock.Transactions.RockQueue.TransactionQueue.Enqueue( updatePaymentStatusTxn );

                if ( receiptEmail.HasValue )
                    // Queue a transaction to send receipts
                    var newTransactionIds = newTransactions.Select( t => t.Id ).ToList();
                    var sendPaymentReceiptsTxn = new Rock.Transactions.SendPaymentReceipts( receiptEmail.Value, newTransactionIds );
                    Rock.Transactions.RockQueue.TransactionQueue.Enqueue( sendPaymentReceiptsTxn );

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            sb.AppendFormat( "<li>{0} {1} downloaded.</li>", totalPayments.ToString( "N0" ),
                ( totalPayments == 1 ? "payment" : "payments" ) );

            if ( totalAlreadyDownloaded > 0 )
                sb.AppendFormat( "<li>{0} {1} previously downloaded and {2} already been added.</li>", totalAlreadyDownloaded.ToString( "N0" ),
                    ( totalAlreadyDownloaded == 1 ? "payment was" : "payments were" ),
                    ( totalAlreadyDownloaded == 1 ? "has" : "have" ) );

            if ( totalStatusChanges > 0 )
                sb.AppendFormat( "<li>{0} {1} previously downloaded but had a change of status.</li>", totalStatusChanges.ToString( "N0" ),
                ( totalStatusChanges == 1 ? "payment was" : "payments were" ) );

            if ( totalNoScheduledTransaction > 0 )
                sb.AppendFormat( "<li>{0} {1} could not be matched to an existing scheduled payment profile.</li>", totalNoScheduledTransaction.ToString( "N0" ),
                    ( totalNoScheduledTransaction == 1 ? "payment" : "payments" ) );

            sb.AppendFormat( "<li>{0} {1} successfully added.</li>", totalAdded.ToString( "N0" ),
                ( totalAdded == 1 ? "payment was" : "payments were" ) );

            if ( totalReversals > 0 )
                sb.AppendFormat( "<li>{0} {1} added as a reversal to a previous transaction.</li>", totalReversals.ToString( "N0" ),
                    ( totalReversals == 1 ? "payment was" : "payments were" ) );

            foreach ( var batchItem in batchSummary )
                int items = batchItem.Value.Count;
                if ( items > 0 )
                    var batch = batches
                        .Where( b => b.Guid.Equals( batchItem.Key ) )

                    string batchName = string.Format( "'{0} ({1})'", batch.Name, batch.BatchStartDateTime.Value.ToString( "d" ) );
                    if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( batchUrlFormat ) )
                        batchName = string.Format( "<a href='{0}'>{1}</a>", string.Format( batchUrlFormat, batch.Id ), batchName );

                    decimal sum = batchItem.Value.Sum();

                    string summaryformat = items == 1 ?
                        "<li>{0} transaction of {1} was added to the {2} batch.</li>" :
                        "<li>{0} transactions totaling {1} were added to the {2} batch</li>";

                    sb.AppendFormat( summaryformat, items.ToString( "N0" ), sum.FormatAsCurrency(), batchName );

            return sb.ToString();