Opc.Ua.WindowsCertificateStore.Open C# (CSharp) 메소드

Open() 공개 메소드

Syntax (items enclosed in [] are optional): [\\HostName\]StoreType[\(ServiceName | UserSid)]\SymbolicName HostName - the name of the machine where the store resides. SymbolicName - one of LocalMachine, CurrentUser, User or Service ServiceName - the name of an NT service. UserSid - the SID for a user account. SymbolicName - the symbolic name of the store (e.g. My, Root, Trust, CA, etc.). Examples: \\MYPC\LocalMachine\My CurrentUser\Trust \\MYPC\Service\My UA Server\UA Applications User\S-1-5-25\Root
public Open ( string location ) : void
location string
리턴 void
        public void Open(string location)
            lock (m_lock)