Opc.Ua.Server.AggregateCalculator.GetSimpleBound C# (CSharp) 메소드

GetSimpleBound() 보호된 메소드

Returns the simple bound for the timestamp.
protected GetSimpleBound ( System.DateTime timestamp, Opc.Ua.Server.TimeSlice slice ) : DataValue
timestamp System.DateTime
slice Opc.Ua.Server.TimeSlice
리턴 DataValue
        protected DataValue GetSimpleBound(DateTime timestamp, TimeSlice slice)
            // choose the start point 
            LinkedListNode<DataValue> start = slice.EarlyBound;

            if (start == null)
                start = m_values.First;

            // look for a raw value at or immediately before the timestamp.
            LinkedListNode<DataValue> startBound = start;

            for (LinkedListNode<DataValue> ii = start; ii != null; ii = ii.Next)
                // check for an exact match.
                if (CompareTimestamps(timestamp, ii) == 0)
                    return new DataValue(ii.Value);

                // looking for an end bound.
                if (CompareTimestamps(timestamp, ii) < 0)
                    // only can find an end bound.
                    if (ii.Previous == null)
                        return GetNoDataValue(timestamp);

                    startBound = ii.Previous;

                // update start bound.
                startBound = ii;

            // check if no data found or if start bound is bad..
            if (startBound == null || !IsGood(startBound.Value))
                return GetNoDataValue(timestamp);

            // look for an end bound.
            bool revertToStepped = false;
            LinkedListNode<DataValue> endBound = startBound.Next;
            if (!Stepped)
                if (endBound != null)
                    // do sloped interpolation if two good bounds exist.
                    if (IsGood(endBound.Value))
                        return SlopedInterpolate(timestamp, startBound.Value, endBound.Value);

                // have to use stepped because end bound is not good.
                revertToStepped = true;

            // check if end of data.
            if (startBound.Next == null)
                return GetNoDataValue(timestamp);

            // do stepped interpolation for all other cases.
            DataValue value = SteppedInterpolate(timestamp, startBound.Value);

            // need to make it uncertain if interpolation was required but not used.
            if (StatusCode.IsGood(value.StatusCode) && revertToStepped)
                value.StatusCode = StatusCodes.UncertainDataSubNormal;
                value.StatusCode = value.StatusCode.SetAggregateBits(AggregateBits.Interpolated);

            return value;