NuGetGallery.FunctionalTests.CommandlineHelper.DeletePackageAsync C# (CSharp) 메소드

DeletePackageAsync() 공개 메소드

Delete the specified package using Nuget.exe
public DeletePackageAsync ( string packageId, string version, string sourceName ) : Task
packageId string package to be deleted
version string version of package to be deleted
sourceName string source url
리턴 Task
        public async Task<ProcessResult> DeletePackageAsync(string packageId, string version, string sourceName)
            WriteLine("Deleting package " + packageId + " with version " + version + " from " + sourceName);

            var arguments = new List<string>
                DeleteCommandString, packageId, version, SourceSwitchString, sourceName, ApiKeySwitchString,
            return await InvokeNugetProcess(arguments);

Usage Example

        public async Task UnlistPackage(string packageId, string version = "1.0.0", string apiKey = null, bool success = true)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(packageId))
                throw new ArgumentException($"{nameof(packageId)} cannot be null or empty!");

            WriteLine("Unlisting package '{0}', version '{1}'", packageId, version);

            var commandlineHelper = new CommandlineHelper(TestOutputHelper);
            var processResult     = await commandlineHelper.DeletePackageAsync(packageId, version, UrlHelper.V2FeedPushSourceUrl, apiKey);

            if (success)
                Assert.True(processResult.ExitCode == 0,
                            "The package unlist via Nuget.exe did not succeed properly. Check the logs to see the process error and output stream.  Exit Code: " +
                            processResult.ExitCode + ". Error message: \"" + processResult.StandardError + "\"");
                Assert.False(processResult.ExitCode == 0,
                             "The package unlist via Nuget.exe succeeded but was expected to fail. Check the logs to see the process error and output stream.  Exit Code: " +
                             processResult.ExitCode + ". Error message: \"" + processResult.StandardError + "\"");
All Usage Examples Of NuGetGallery.FunctionalTests.CommandlineHelper::DeletePackageAsync