NuGet.VersionUtility.GetShortFrameworkName C# (CSharp) 메소드

GetShortFrameworkName() 공개 정적인 메소드

public static GetShortFrameworkName ( FrameworkName frameworkName ) : string
frameworkName FrameworkName
리턴 string
        public static string GetShortFrameworkName(FrameworkName frameworkName)
            string name;
            if (!_identifierToFrameworkFolder.TryGetValue(frameworkName.Identifier, out name))
                name = frameworkName.Identifier;

            // only show version part if it's >
            if (frameworkName.Version > new Version())
                // Remove the . from versions
                name += frameworkName.Version.ToString().Replace(".", String.Empty);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(frameworkName.Profile))
                return name;

            string profile;
            if (!_identifierToProfileFolder.TryGetValue(frameworkName.Profile, out profile))
                profile = frameworkName.Profile;

            return name + "-" + profile;

Usage Example

예제 #1
        private void AddEntry(XDocument document, string id, SemanticVersion version, FrameworkName targetFramework)
            XElement element = FindEntry(document, id, version);

            if (element != null)

            var newElement = new XElement("package",
                                          new XAttribute("id", id),
                                          new XAttribute("version", version));

            if (targetFramework != null)
                newElement.Add(new XAttribute("targetFramework", VersionUtility.GetShortFrameworkName(targetFramework)));

            // Restore the version constraint
            string versionConstraint;

            if (_constraints.TryGetValue(id, out versionConstraint))
                newElement.Add(new XAttribute("allowedVersions", versionConstraint));


All Usage Examples Of NuGet.VersionUtility::GetShortFrameworkName