Mono.CSharp.Driver.OtherFlags C# (CSharp) 메소드

OtherFlags() 정적인 개인적인 메소드

static private OtherFlags ( ) : void
리턴 void
		static void OtherFlags ()
			Console.WriteLine (
				"Other flags in the compiler\n" +
				"   --fatal[=COUNT]    Makes errors after COUNT fatal\n" +
				"   --lint             Enhanced warnings\n" +
				"   --parse            Only parses the source file\n" +
				"   --runtime:VERSION  Sets mscorlib.dll metadata version: v1, v2, v4\n" +
				"   --stacktrace       Shows stack trace at error location\n" +
				"   --timestamp        Displays time stamps of various compiler events\n" +
				"   -v                 Verbose parsing (for debugging the parser)\n" + 
				"   --mcs-debug X      Sets MCS debugging level to X\n");