Meebey.SmartIrc4net.IrcMessageData.IrcMessageData C# (CSharp) 메소드

IrcMessageData() 공개 메소드

Constructor to create an instace of IrcMessageData
public IrcMessageData ( IrcClient ircclient, string from, string nick, string ident, string host, string channel, string message, string rawmessage, ReceiveType type, ReplyCode replycode )
ircclient IrcClient IrcClient the message originated from
from string combined nickname, identity and host of the user that sent the message (nick!ident@host)
nick string nickname of the user that sent the message
ident string identity (username) of the userthat sent the message
host string hostname of the user that sent the message
channel string channel the message originated from
message string message
rawmessage string raw message sent by the server
type ReceiveType message type
replycode ReplyCode message reply code
        public IrcMessageData(IrcClient ircclient, string from, string nick, string ident, string host, string channel, string message, string rawmessage, ReceiveType type, ReplyCode replycode)
            _Irc = ircclient;
            _RawMessage = rawmessage;
            _RawMessageArray = rawmessage.Split(new char[] {' '});
            _Type = type;
            _ReplyCode = replycode;
            _From = from;
            _Nick = nick;
            _Ident = ident;
            _Host = host;
            _Channel = channel;
            if (message != null) {
                // message is optional
                _Message = message;
                _MessageArray = message.Split(new char[] {' '});