LLDB.Target.LaunchSimple C# (CSharp) 메소드

LaunchSimple() 공개 메소드

Launch a new process with sensible defaults.

public LaunchSimple ( sbyte argv, sbyte envp, string working_directory ) : LLDB.Process
argv sbyte /// The argument array. ///
envp sbyte /// The environment array. ///
working_directory string /// The working directory to have the child process run in /// Default: listener /// Set to the target's debugger (SBTarget::GetDebugger()) /// Default: launch_flags /// Empty launch flags /// Default: stdin_path /// Default: stdout_path /// Default: stderr_path /// A pseudo terminal will be used. ///
리턴 LLDB.Process
        public LLDB.Process LaunchSimple(sbyte** argv, sbyte** envp, string working_directory)
            var arg0 = argv;
            var arg1 = envp;
            var arg2 = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi(working_directory);
            var __ret = new LLDB.Process.Internal();
            Internal.LaunchSimple_0(new IntPtr(&__ret), (__Instance + __PointerAdjustment), arg0, arg1, arg2);
            return LLDB.Process.__CreateInstance(__ret);