HaloMap.RawData.Model.ReadCEModelRaw C# (CSharp) 메소드

ReadCEModelRaw() 공개 메소드

The read ce model raw.
public ReadCEModelRaw ( int TagIndex, Map map, bool dontreadraw ) : void
TagIndex int The TagIndex.
map HaloMap.Map.Map The map.
dontreadraw bool The dontreadraw.
리턴 void
        public void ReadCEModelRaw(int TagIndex, Map map, bool dontreadraw)
            map.BR.BaseStream.Position = map.MetaInfo.Offset[TagIndex] + 208;
            int tempc = map.BR.ReadInt32();
            int tempr = map.BR.ReadInt32() - map.PrimaryMagic;
            for (int y = 0; y < tempc; y++)
                map.BR.BaseStream.Position = tempr + (y * 48) + 36;
                int tempcc = map.BR.ReadInt32();
                int temprc = map.BR.ReadInt32() - map.PrimaryMagic;
                for (int x = 0; x < tempcc; x++)
                    RawDataChunk Raw = new RawDataChunk();

                    map.BR.BaseStream.Position = temprc + (x * 132) + 4;
                    Raw.shadernumber = map.BR.ReadInt16();
                    Raw.pointerMetaOffset = temprc + (x * 132) + 76 - map.MetaInfo.Offset[TagIndex];

                    map.BR.BaseStream.Position = map.MetaInfo.Offset[TagIndex] + Raw.pointerMetaOffset - 4;
                    Raw.rawDataType = RawDataType.HaloCEIndices;
                    Raw.size = (map.BR.ReadInt32() + 2) * 2;
                    Raw.offset = map.IndexHeader.ModelRawDataOffset + map.IndexHeader.ModelIndicesOffset +

                    if (dontreadraw == false)
                        map.BR.BaseStream.Position = Raw.offset;
                        Raw.MS = new MemoryStream(Raw.size);
                        Raw.MS.Write(map.BR.ReadBytes(Raw.size), 0, Raw.size);


                    Raw = new RawDataChunk();
                    Raw.rawDataType = RawDataType.HaloCEVertices;
                    Raw.pointerMetaOffset = temprc + (x * 132) + 100 - map.MetaInfo.Offset[TagIndex];
                    map.BR.BaseStream.Position = map.MetaInfo.Offset[TagIndex] + Raw.pointerMetaOffset - 12;
                    Raw.size = map.BR.ReadInt32();
                    Raw.size *= 68;

                    map.BR.BaseStream.Position = map.MetaInfo.Offset[TagIndex] + Raw.pointerMetaOffset;

                    Raw.offset = map.IndexHeader.ModelRawDataOffset + map.BR.ReadInt32();

                    if (dontreadraw == false)
                        map.BR.BaseStream.Position = Raw.offset;
                        Raw.MS = new MemoryStream(Raw.size);
                        Raw.MS.Write(map.BR.ReadBytes(Raw.size), 0, Raw.size);
