FarseerPhysics.Collision.Shapes.PolygonShape.computeSubmergedArea C# (CSharp) 메소드

computeSubmergedArea() 공개 메소드

public computeSubmergedArea ( Vector2 &normal, float offset, Transform &xf, Vector2 &sc ) : float
normal Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2
offset float
xf Transform
sc Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2
리턴 float
		public override float computeSubmergedArea( ref Vector2 normal, float offset, ref Transform xf, out Vector2 sc )
			sc = Vector2.Zero;

			//Transform plane into shape co-ordinates
			var normalL = MathUtils.mulT( xf.q, normal );
			float offsetL = offset - Vector2.Dot( normal, xf.p );

			float[] depths = new float[Settings.maxPolygonVertices];
			int diveCount = 0;
			int intoIndex = -1;
			int outoIndex = -1;

			bool lastSubmerged = false;
			int i;
			for( i = 0; i < vertices.Count; i++ )
				depths[i] = Vector2.Dot( normalL, vertices[i] ) - offsetL;
				bool isSubmerged = depths[i] < -Settings.epsilon;
				if( i > 0 )
					if( isSubmerged )
						if( !lastSubmerged )
							intoIndex = i - 1;
						if( lastSubmerged )
							outoIndex = i - 1;
				lastSubmerged = isSubmerged;
			switch( diveCount )
				case 0:
					if( lastSubmerged )
						//Completely submerged
						sc = MathUtils.mul( ref xf, massData.centroid );
						return massData.mass / density;

					//Completely dry
					return 0;
				case 1:
					if( intoIndex == -1 )
						intoIndex = vertices.Count - 1;
						outoIndex = vertices.Count - 1;

			int intoIndex2 = ( intoIndex + 1 ) % vertices.Count;
			int outoIndex2 = ( outoIndex + 1 ) % vertices.Count;

			float intoLambda = ( 0 - depths[intoIndex] ) / ( depths[intoIndex2] - depths[intoIndex] );
			float outoLambda = ( 0 - depths[outoIndex] ) / ( depths[outoIndex2] - depths[outoIndex] );

			Vector2 intoVec = new Vector2( vertices[intoIndex].X * ( 1 - intoLambda ) + vertices[intoIndex2].X * intoLambda, vertices[intoIndex].Y * ( 1 - intoLambda ) + vertices[intoIndex2].Y * intoLambda );
			Vector2 outoVec = new Vector2( vertices[outoIndex].X * ( 1 - outoLambda ) + vertices[outoIndex2].X * outoLambda, vertices[outoIndex].Y * ( 1 - outoLambda ) + vertices[outoIndex2].Y * outoLambda );

			//Initialize accumulator
			float area = 0;
			Vector2 center = new Vector2( 0, 0 );
			Vector2 p2 = vertices[intoIndex2];

			const float k_inv3 = 1.0f / 3.0f;

			//An awkward loop from intoIndex2+1 to outIndex2
			i = intoIndex2;
			while( i != outoIndex2 )
				i = ( i + 1 ) % vertices.Count;
				Vector2 p3;
				if( i == outoIndex2 )
					p3 = outoVec;
					p3 = vertices[i];
				//Add the triangle formed by intoVec,p2,p3
					Vector2 e1 = p2 - intoVec;
					Vector2 e2 = p3 - intoVec;

					float D = MathUtils.cross( e1, e2 );

					float triangleArea = 0.5f * D;

					area += triangleArea;

					// Area weighted centroid
					center += triangleArea * k_inv3 * ( intoVec + p2 + p3 );

				p2 = p3;

			//Normalize and transform centroid
			center *= 1.0f / area;

			sc = MathUtils.mul( ref xf, center );

			return area;