private IDomElement GetTrueTarget(IDomElement target)
//Special handling for tables: make sure we add to the TBODY
IDomElement element = target;
if (target.NodeNameID == HtmlData.tagTABLE)
bool addBody = false;
if (target.HasChildren)
IDomElement body = target.ChildElements.FirstOrDefault(item => item.NodeNameID == HtmlData.tagTBODY);
if (body != null)
element = body;
else if (target.FirstElementChild == null)
// Add a body if there are no elements in this table yet
addBody = true;
// default = leave it alone, they've already added elements. don't worry whether it's valid or not,
// assume they know what they're doing.
addBody = true;
if (addBody)
element = Document.CreateElement("tbody");
return element;