CrisisAtSwissStation.ScrollingWorld.Simulate C# (CSharp) 메소드

Simulate() 공개 메소드

public Simulate ( float dt ) : void
dt float
리턴 void
        public override void Simulate(float dt)
            //pulleyPipe1.Position = new Vector2(16.8f,pulleyPipe1.Position.Y);
            //pulleyPipe2.Position = new Vector2(18.2f, pulleyPipe2.Position.Y);

            //Console.WriteLine("{0}", getGameCoords(new Vector2(Mouse.GetState().X, Mouse.GetState().Y)));
            //ronnies 2 line attempt at fixing drawing
            //float guyPos = -dude.Position.X * CASSWorld.SCALE + (GameEngine.GAME_WINDOW_WIDTH / 2);
            // screenOffset = new Vector2(guyPos, 0);

            //hackish code to make the platform move
            if (movPlat)
                movPlatform1.Position = movPlatform1.Position + new Vector2(.05f, 0);
                if (movPlatform1.Position.X > 20)
                    movPlat = false;
                movPlatform1.Position = movPlatform1.Position - new Vector2(.05f, 0);
                if (movPlatform1.Position.X <10 )
                    movPlat = true;
            //if (mov==false)
            //{ movPlat2 = true; }

            //Hackie Moving Platform Code
            if (movPlat1 == true)

                movPlatform2.Position = movPlatform2.Position + new Vector2(.035f, 0);
               // dude.Position = dude.Position + new Vector2(0.05f, 0);
                if (movPlatform2.Position.X > 36){

                    movPlat1 = false;



                movPlatform2.Position = movPlatform2.Position - new Vector2(.035f, 0);
             //   dude.Position = dude.Position - new Vector2(0.05f, 0);
                if (movPlatform2.Position.X < 34f)

                    movPlat1 = true;

            //new Vector2(14.5f, 13.3f);
            if (pistonMove == true)
                pistonHead.Position = pistonHead.Position - new Vector2(.01f, 0);
                if (pistonHead.Position.X < 12f)
                    pistonMove = false;
                pistonHead.Position = pistonHead.Position + new Vector2(.2f, 0);
                if (pistonHead.Position.X > 13f)
                    pistonMove= true;

            dude.Grounded = false; // unrelated to the following
            dude.OnSlope = false; // unrelated to the following

            // code for erasing a painted object
            MouseState mouse = Mouse.GetState();
            bool mouseinbounds = mouse.X > 0 && mouse.X < GameEngine.SCREEN_WIDTH && mouse.Y < GameEngine.SCREEN_HEIGHT && mouse.Y > 0;
            Vector2 scaledMousePosition = new Vector2(mouse.X / CASSWorld.SCALE, mouse.Y / CASSWorld.SCALE);
            Vector2 mouseGamePosition = getScreenOrigin() + scaledMousePosition;
            //Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2} {3}", dude.Position.X, dude.Position.Y, mouseGamePosition.X, mouseGamePosition.Y);
            AudioManager audio = GameEngine.AudioManager;

            if (mouse.RightButton == ButtonState.Pressed && laser.canErase())
                //ronnie added for laser

                // if the right button is pressed, remove any painted objects under the cursor from the world
                // Query a small box around the mouse
                AABB aabb = new AABB();
                aabb.LowerBound = Common.Utils.Convert(mouseGamePosition - new Vector2(0.1f));
                aabb.UpperBound = Common.Utils.Convert(mouseGamePosition + new Vector2(0.1f));

                Shape[] shapes = new Shape[1];
                int nHit = World.Query(aabb, shapes, 1);

                if (nHit > 0)
                    Body body = shapes[0].GetBody();
                    PhysicsObject po = (PhysicsObject)body.GetUserData();
                    if (po is PaintedObject)
                        //Implementing deconstruct sfx
                        PaintedObject painto = (PaintedObject)po;
                        numDrawLeft += painto.getAmountOfInstasteel();
                // laser.finishErasing();

            if (mouse.LeftButton == ButtonState.Released && laser.canDraw())
                drawingInterrupted = false;

            if (mouse.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed && laser.canDraw() && !drawingInterrupted && mouseinbounds && numDrawLeft > PAINTING_GRANULARITY && lengthCurDrawing < drawLimit)
                //random ronnie addition for laser

                /* Still working on this nasty loop
                audio.Play(AudioManager.SFXSelection.Charge); */

                // if we're holding down the mouse button
                //Vector2 mousepos = new Vector2(mouse.X, mouse.Y);

                if (dotPositions.Count == 0 || ( getScreenCoords(mouseGamePosition) - getScreenCoords(dotPositions[dotPositions.Count - 1])).Length() > PAINTING_GRANULARITY)
                { // according to the granularity constraint for paintings,
                    float drawDist = 0;
                    Vector2 drawPos = mouseGamePosition;

                    // make sure there is enough insta-steel to make it to the next point. if not, adjust the point
                    if (dotPositions.Count > 0)
                        drawDist = Vector2.Distance(drawPos * CASSWorld.SCALE, prevMousePos);
                        if (drawDist > numDrawLeft)
                            Vector2 relativePos = prevMousePos - (drawPos * CASSWorld.SCALE);
                            relativePos = relativePos * (numDrawLeft / drawDist);
                            drawPos = (prevMousePos - relativePos) / CASSWorld.SCALE;
                            drawDist = numDrawLeft;
                    if (dotPositions.Count == 1)
                        lengthCurDrawing = 0;
                        numDrawLeft -= drawDist;
                        lengthCurDrawing += drawDist;

                    prevMousePos = drawPos * CASSWorld.SCALE;
                    finishDraw = true;

                //other random ronnie addition for laser

            else if (((mouse.LeftButton == ButtonState.Released || !laser.canDraw() || (mouseWasInbounds && prevms.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed)) && (numDrawLeft > PAINTING_GRANULARITY || finishDraw)) && (prevms.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed || drawingInterrupted) && (mouseinbounds || mouseWasInbounds))
                if (!laser.canDraw())
                    drawingInterrupted = true;
                Box2DX.Dynamics.Body overlapped = null;
                PhysicsObject po = null;
                foreach (Vector2 pos in dotPositions)
                    // Query a small box around the mouse
                    AABB aabb = new AABB();
                    //Vector2 gamepos = new Vector2(pos.X / CASSWorld.SCALE, pos.Y / CASSWorld.SCALE) + screenOffset;
                    //Vector2 gamepos = new Vector2(pos.X, pos.Y);
                    aabb.LowerBound = Common.Utils.Convert(pos - new Vector2(0.1f));
                    aabb.UpperBound = Common.Utils.Convert(pos + new Vector2(0.1f));

                    Box2DX.Collision.Shape[] shapes = new Box2DX.Collision.Shape[1];
                    int nHit = World.Query(aabb, shapes, 1);

                    if (nHit > 0)
                        Body body = shapes[0].GetBody();
                        po = (PhysicsObject)body.GetUserData();
                        if (po is PaintedObject)
                            overlapped = body;

                if (dotPositions.Count > 1)


                List<Vector2> dp2 = new List<Vector2>();
                // hack to make the drawing fit the offset
                //foreach (Vector2 pos in dotPositions)
                //    //Console.WriteLine(dude.Position.X * CASSWorld.SCALE);
                //    dp2.Add(pos + new Vector2(dude.Position.X * CASSWorld.SCALE, 0));

                // create the painting as an object in the world
                if (dotPositions.Count > 1)
                    //this.AddObject(new PaintedObject(World, paintTexture, paintedSegmentTexture, dp2));
                    this.AddObject(new PaintedObject(World, "paint", "paintedsegment", dotPositions));
                // clear the way for another painting
                dotPositions = new List<Vector2>(); //
                lengthCurDrawing = 0;
                finishDraw = false;
            // end painting code (except for prevms = ms below)

            prevms = mouse;
            mouseWasInbounds = mouseinbounds;

            laser.Update(scaledMousePosition.X, scaledMousePosition.Y, getCameraCoords(), gameLevelWidth);

            // update cursor insta-steel level
            float fractionInstasteel = numDrawLeft / totalInstaSteelInWorld;
            int cursorPic = (int)(fractionInstasteel * 8);

            cursorSrcRect = new Rectangle(cursorPic * cursorWidth, 0, cursorWidth, cursorWidth);

            screenOffset = new Vector2(0, 0); // TODO Diana: Change this!

            allHolesFilled = true;

            foreach (HoleObject hole in holeList)
                allHolesFilled = allHolesFilled && (hole.Filled >= HoleObject.MAX_FILL);