BrightIdeasSoftware.ObjectListView.HandleCustomDraw C# (CSharp) 메소드

HandleCustomDraw() 보호된 메소드

Handle the Custom draw series of notifications
protected HandleCustomDraw ( Message &m ) : bool
m Message The message
리턴 bool
        protected virtual bool HandleCustomDraw(ref Message m)
            const int CDDS_PREPAINT = 1;
            const int CDDS_POSTPAINT = 2;
            const int CDDS_PREERASE = 3;
            const int CDDS_POSTERASE = 4;
            //const int CDRF_NEWFONT = 2;
            //const int CDRF_SKIPDEFAULT = 4;
            const int CDDS_ITEM = 0x00010000;
            const int CDDS_SUBITEM = 0x00020000;
            const int CDRF_NOTIFYPOSTPAINT = 0x10;
            //const int CDRF_NOTIFYITEMDRAW = 0x20;
            //const int CDRF_NOTIFYSUBITEMDRAW = 0x20; // same value as above!
            const int CDRF_NOTIFYPOSTERASE = 0x40;

            // There is a bug in owner drawn virtual lists which causes lots of custom draw messages
            // to be sent to the control *outside* of a WmPaint event. AFAIK, these custom draw events
            // are spurious and only serve to make the control flicker annoyingly.
            // So, we ignore messages that are outside of a paint event.
            if (!this.isInWmPaintEvent)
                return true;

            // One more complication! Sometimes with owner drawn virtual lists, the act of drawing
            // the overlays triggers a second attempt to paint the control -- which makes an annoying
            // flicker. So, we only do the custom drawing once per WmPaint event.
            if (!this.shouldDoCustomDrawing)
                return true;

            NativeMethods.NMLVCUSTOMDRAW nmcustomdraw = (NativeMethods.NMLVCUSTOMDRAW)m.GetLParam(typeof(NativeMethods.NMLVCUSTOMDRAW));
            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("cd: {0:x}, {1}, {2}", nmcustomdraw.nmcd.dwDrawStage, nmcustomdraw.dwItemType, nmcustomdraw.nmcd.dwItemSpec));

            // Ignore drawing of group items
            if (nmcustomdraw.dwItemType == 1) {
                // This is the basis of an idea about how to owner draw group headers

                //nmcustomdraw.clrText = ColorTranslator.ToWin32(Color.DeepPink);
                //nmcustomdraw.clrFace = ColorTranslator.ToWin32(Color.DeepPink);
                //nmcustomdraw.clrTextBk = ColorTranslator.ToWin32(Color.DeepPink);
                //Marshal.StructureToPtr(nmcustomdraw, m.LParam, false);
                //using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromHdc(nmcustomdraw.nmcd.hdc)) {
                //    g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Red, Rectangle.FromLTRB(nmcustomdraw.rcText.left,, nmcustomdraw.rcText.right, nmcustomdraw.rcText.bottom));
                //m.Result = (IntPtr)((int)m.Result | CDRF_SKIPDEFAULT);
                return true;

            switch (nmcustomdraw.nmcd.dwDrawStage) {
                case CDDS_PREPAINT:
                    // Remember which items were drawn during this paint cycle
                    if (this.prePaintLevel == 0)
                        this.drawnItems = new List<OLVListItem>();

                    // If there are any items, we have to wait until at least one has been painted
                    // before we draw the overlays. If there aren't any items, there will never be any
                    // item paint events, so we can draw the overlays whenever
                    this.isAfterItemPaint = (this.GetItemCount() == 0);
                    base.WndProc(ref m);

                    // Make sure that we get postpaint notifications
                    m.Result = (IntPtr)((int)m.Result | CDRF_NOTIFYPOSTPAINT | CDRF_NOTIFYPOSTERASE);
                    return true;

                case CDDS_POSTPAINT:

                    // When in group view, we have two problems. On XP, the control sends
                    // a whole heap of PREPAINT/POSTPAINT messages before drawing any items.
                    // We have to wait until after the first item paint before we draw overlays.
                    // On Vista, we have a different problem. On Vista, the control nests calls
                    // to PREPAINT and POSTPAINT. We only want to draw overlays on the outermost
                    // POSTPAINT.
                    if (this.prePaintLevel == 0 && (this.isMarqueSelecting || this.isAfterItemPaint)) {
                        this.shouldDoCustomDrawing = false;

                        // Draw our overlays after everything has been drawn
                        using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromHdc(nmcustomdraw.nmcd.hdc)) {
                            this.DrawAllDecorations(g, this.drawnItems);

                case CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT:

                    // When in group view on XP, the control send a whole heap of PREPAINT/POSTPAINT
                    // messages before drawing any items.
                    // We have to wait until after the first item paint before we draw overlays
                    this.isAfterItemPaint = true;

                    // This scheme of catching custom draw msgs works fine, except
                    // for Tile view. Something in .NET's handling of Tile view causes lots
                    // of invalidates and erases. So, we just ignore completely
                    // .NET's handling of Tile view and let the underlying control
                    // do its stuff. Strangely, if the Tile view is
                    // completely owner drawn, those erasures don't happen.
                    if (this.View == View.Tile) {
                        if (this.OwnerDraw && this.ItemRenderer != null)
                            base.WndProc(ref m);
                    } else {
                        base.WndProc(ref m);

                    m.Result = (IntPtr)((int)m.Result | CDRF_NOTIFYPOSTPAINT | CDRF_NOTIFYPOSTERASE);
                    return true;

                case CDDS_ITEMPOSTPAINT:
                    // Remember which items have been drawn so we can draw any decorations for them
                    // once all other painting is finished
                    if (this.Columns.Count > 0) {
                        OLVListItem olvi = this.GetItem((int)nmcustomdraw.nmcd.dwItemSpec);
                        if (olvi != null)

                case CDDS_SUBITEMPREPAINT:
                    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("CDDS_SUBITEMPREPAINT ({0},{1})", (int)nmcustomdraw.nmcd.dwItemSpec, nmcustomdraw.iSubItem));

                    // There is a bug in the .NET framework which appears when column 0 of an owner drawn listview
                    // is dragged to another column position.
                    // The bounds calculation always returns the left edge of column 0 as being 0.
                    // The effects of this bug become apparent
                    // when the listview is scrolled horizontally: the control can think that column 0
                    // is no longer visible (the horizontal scroll position is subtracted from the bounds, giving a
                    // rectangle that is offscreen). In those circumstances, column 0 is not redraw because
                    // the control thinks it is not visible and so does not trigger a DrawSubItem event.

                    // To fix this problem, we have to detected the situation -- owner drawing column 0 in any column except 0 --
                    // trigger our own DrawSubItem, and then prevent the default processing from occuring.

                    // Are we owner drawing column 0 when it's in any column except 0?
                    if (!this.OwnerDraw)
                        return false;

                    int columnIndex = nmcustomdraw.iSubItem;
                    if (columnIndex != 0)
                        return false;

                    int displayIndex = this.Columns[0].DisplayIndex;
                    if (displayIndex == 0)
                        return false;

                    int rowIndex = (int)nmcustomdraw.nmcd.dwItemSpec;
                    OLVListItem item = this.GetItem(rowIndex);
                    if (item == null)
                        return false;

                    // OK. We have the error condition, so lets do what the .NET framework should do.
                    // Trigger an event to draw column 0 when it is not at display index 0
                    using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromHdc(nmcustomdraw.nmcd.hdc)) {

                        // Correctly calculate the bounds of cell 0
                        Rectangle r = item.GetSubItemBounds(0);

                        // We can hardcode "0" here since we know we are only doing this for column 0
                        DrawListViewSubItemEventArgs args = new DrawListViewSubItemEventArgs(g, r, item, item.SubItems[0], rowIndex, 0,
                            this.Columns[0], (ListViewItemStates)nmcustomdraw.nmcd.uItemState);

                        // If the event handler wants to do the default processing (i.e. DrawDefault = true), we are stuck.
                        // There is no way we can force the default drawing because of the bug in .NET we are trying to get around.
                        System.Diagnostics.Trace.Assert(!args.DrawDefault, "Default drawing is impossible in this situation");
                    m.Result = (IntPtr)4;

                    return true;

                case CDDS_SUBITEMPOSTPAINT:

                // I have included these stages, but it doesn't seem that they are sent for ListViews.

                case CDDS_PREERASE:

                case CDDS_POSTERASE:

                case CDDS_ITEMPREERASE:

                case CDDS_ITEMPOSTERASE:

            return false;