public void TestForking4()
// Check that we can handle external spends on an inactive chain becoming active. An external spend is where
// we see a transaction that spends our own coins but we did not broadcast it ourselves. This happens when
// keys are being shared between wallets.
var b1 = _unitTestParams.GenesisBlock.CreateNextBlock(_coinbaseTo);
Assert.AreEqual("50.00", Utils.BitcoinValueToFriendlyString(_wallet.GetBalance()));
var dest = new EcKey().ToAddress(_unitTestParams);
var spend = _wallet.CreateSend(dest, Utils.ToNanoCoins(50, 0));
// We do NOT confirm the spend here. That means it's not considered to be pending because createSend is
// stateless. For our purposes it is as if some other program with our keys created the tx.
// genesis -> b1 (receive 50) --> b2
// \-> b3 (external spend) -> b4
var b2 = b1.CreateNextBlock(_someOtherGuy);
var b3 = b1.CreateNextBlock(_someOtherGuy);
// The external spend is not active yet.
Assert.AreEqual(Utils.ToNanoCoins(50, 0), _wallet.GetBalance());
var b4 = b3.CreateNextBlock(_someOtherGuy);
// The external spend is now active.
Assert.AreEqual(Utils.ToNanoCoins(0, 0), _wallet.GetBalance());