Azavea.Open.DAO.SQL.SqlConnectionUtilities.XSafeScalarQuery C# (CSharp) 메소드

XSafeScalarQuery() 개인적인 정적인 메소드

Similar to the "XSafeQuery" method, except this executes a query that returns a single result.
private static XSafeScalarQuery ( AbstractSqlConnectionDescriptor connDesc, SqlTransaction transaction, string sql, IEnumerable sqlParams ) : object
connDesc AbstractSqlConnectionDescriptor The database connection descriptor. This is used both as /// a key for caching connections/commands as well as for /// getting the actual database connection the first time.
transaction SqlTransaction The transaction to do this as part of.
sql string The SQL query to execute.
sqlParams IEnumerable A list of objects to use as parameters /// to the SQL statement. The list may be /// null if there are no parameters.
리턴 object
        private static object XSafeScalarQuery(AbstractSqlConnectionDescriptor connDesc, 
            SqlTransaction transaction, string sql, IEnumerable sqlParams)
            object retVal;
            IDbConnection conn = transaction != null
                ? transaction.Connection
                : DbCaches.Connections.Get(connDesc);
                IDbCommand cmd = DbCaches.Commands.Get(sql, conn);
                if (transaction != null)
                    cmd.Transaction = transaction.Transaction;
                    SetSQLOnCommand(connDesc, cmd, sql, sqlParams);
                        retVal = cmd.ExecuteScalar();
                    catch (Exception e)
                        throw new UnableToRunSqlException(connDesc, sql, sqlParams, e);
                    DbCaches.Commands.Return(sql, conn, cmd);
                if (transaction == null)
                    DbCaches.Connections.Return(connDesc, conn);
            return retVal;