Axiom.SceneManagers.PortalConnected.DefaultZone.FindVisibleNodes C# (CSharp) 메소드

FindVisibleNodes() 공개 메소드

public FindVisibleNodes ( Axiom.SceneManagers.PortalConnected.PCZCamera camera, List &visibleNodeList, RenderQueue queue, VisibleObjectsBoundsInfo visibleBounds, bool onlyShadowCasters, bool displayNodes, bool showBoundingBoxes ) : void
camera Axiom.SceneManagers.PortalConnected.PCZCamera
visibleNodeList List
queue Axiom.Graphics.RenderQueue
visibleBounds Axiom.Core.VisibleObjectsBoundsInfo
onlyShadowCasters bool
displayNodes bool
showBoundingBoxes bool
리턴 void
		public override void FindVisibleNodes( PCZCamera camera,
									  ref List<PCZSceneNode> visibleNodeList,
									  RenderQueue queue,
									  VisibleObjectsBoundsInfo visibleBounds,
									  bool onlyShadowCasters,
									  bool displayNodes,
									  bool showBoundingBoxes )

			//return immediately if nothing is in the zone.
			if ( mHomeNodeList.Count == 0 &&
				mVisitorNodeList.Count == 0 &&
				mPortals.Count == 0 )

			// Else, the zone is automatically assumed to be visible since either
			// it is the camera the zone is in, or it was reached because
			// a connecting portal was deemed visible to the camera.

			// enable sky if called to do so for this zone
			if ( HasSky )
				// enable sky
				mPCZSM.EnableSky( true );

			// find visible nodes at home in the zone
			bool vis;

			foreach ( PCZSceneNode pczsn in mHomeNodeList )
				//PCZSceneNode pczsn = *it;
				// if the scene node is already visible, then we can skip it
				if ( pczsn.LastVisibleFrame != mLastVisibleFrame ||
					pczsn.LastVisibleFromCamera != camera )
					FrustumPlane fPlane;
					// for a scene node, check visibility using AABB
					vis = camera.IsObjectVisible( pczsn.WorldAABB, out fPlane );
					if ( vis )
						// add it to the list of visible nodes
						visibleNodeList.Add( pczsn );
						// add the node to the render queue
						pczsn.AddToRenderQueue( camera, queue, onlyShadowCasters, visibleBounds );
						// if we are displaying nodes, add the node renderable to the queue
						if ( displayNodes )
							queue.AddRenderable( pczsn.GetDebugRenderable() );
						// if the scene manager or the node wants the bounding box shown, add it to the queue
						if ( pczsn.ShowBoundingBox || showBoundingBoxes )
							pczsn.AddBoundingBoxToQueue( queue );
						// flag the node as being visible this frame
						pczsn.LastVisibleFrame = mLastVisibleFrame;
						pczsn.LastVisibleFromCamera = camera;
			// find visible visitor nodes

			foreach ( PCZSceneNode pczsn in mVisitorNodeList )
				// if the scene node is already visible, then we can skip it
				if ( pczsn.LastVisibleFrame != mLastVisibleFrame ||
					pczsn.LastVisibleFromCamera != camera )
					FrustumPlane fPlane;
					// for a scene node, check visibility using AABB
					vis = camera.IsObjectVisible( pczsn.WorldAABB, out fPlane );
					if ( vis )
						// add it to the list of visible nodes
						visibleNodeList.Add( pczsn );
						// add the node to the render queue
						pczsn.AddToRenderQueue( camera, queue, onlyShadowCasters, visibleBounds );
						// if we are displaying nodes, add the node renderable to the queue
						if ( displayNodes )
							queue.AddRenderable( pczsn.GetDebugRenderable() );
						// if the scene manager or the node wants the bounding box shown, add it to the queue
						if ( pczsn.ShowBoundingBox || showBoundingBoxes )
							pczsn.AddBoundingBoxToQueue( queue );
						// flag the node as being visible this frame
						pczsn.LastVisibleFrame = mLastVisibleFrame;
						pczsn.LastVisibleFromCamera = camera;

			// find visible portals in the zone and recurse into them
			foreach ( Portal portal in mPortals )
				FrustumPlane fPlane;
				// for portal, check visibility using world bounding sphere & direction
				vis = camera.IsObjectVisible( portal, out fPlane );
				if ( vis )
					// portal is visible. Add the portal as extra culling planes to camera
					int planes_added = camera.AddPortalCullingPlanes( portal );
					// tell target zone it's visible this frame
					portal.getTargetZone().LastVisibleFrame = mLastVisibleFrame;
					portal.getTargetZone().LastVisibleFromCamera = camera;
					// recurse into the connected zone
					portal.getTargetZone().FindVisibleNodes( camera,
															  ref visibleNodeList,
															  showBoundingBoxes );
					if ( planes_added > 0 )
						// Then remove the extra culling planes added before going to the next portal in this zone.
						camera.RemovePortalCullingPlanes( portal );
		// --- find nodes which intersect various types of BV's ---