Axiom.RenderSystems.Xna.XnaRenderWindow.CreateXnaResources C# (CSharp) 메소드

CreateXnaResources() 개인적인 메소드

private CreateXnaResources ( ) : void
리턴 void
        private void CreateXnaResources()
            XFG.GraphicsDevice device = _driver.XnaDevice;

            if (_isSwapChain && device == null)
                throw new Exception("Secondary window has not been given the device from the primary!");

            if (_renderSurface != null)
                _renderSurface = null;

            XFG.GraphicsAdapter.UseReferenceDevice = false;

            if (_driver.Description.ToLower().Contains("nvperfhud"))
                _useNVPerfHUD = true;
                XFG.GraphicsAdapter.UseReferenceDevice = true;

            _xnapp = new XFG.PresentationParameters();

            this._xnapp.IsFullScreen = IsFullScreen;
            this._xnapp.RenderTargetUsage = XFG.RenderTargetUsage.DiscardContents;
            //this._xnapp.BackBufferCount = _vSync ? 2 : 1;
            //this._xnapp.EnableAutoDepthStencil = isDepthBuffered;
            this._xnapp.DeviceWindowHandle = _windowHandle;
            this._xnapp.BackBufferHeight = Height;
            this._xnapp.BackBufferWidth = Width;
            //this._xnapp.FullScreenRefreshRateInHz = IsFullScreen ? _displayFrequency : 0;

            if (_vSync)
                this._xnapp.PresentationInterval = XFG.PresentInterval.One;
                // NB not using vsync in windowed mode in D3D9 can cause jerking at low
                // frame rates no matter what buffering modes are used (odd - perhaps a
                // timer issue in D3D9 since GL doesn't suffer from this)
                // low is < 200fps in this context
                if (!IsFullScreen)
                    LogManager.Instance.Write("[XNA] : WARNING - disabling VSync in windowed mode can cause timing issues at lower frame rates, turn VSync on if you observe this problem.");
                this._xnapp.PresentationInterval = XFG.PresentInterval.Immediate;

            this._xnapp.BackBufferFormat = XFG.SurfaceFormat.Bgr565;
            if (ColorDepth > 16)
                this._xnapp.BackBufferFormat = XFG.SurfaceFormat.Color;

            XFG.GraphicsAdapter currentAdapter = _driver.Adapter;
            if (ColorDepth > 16)

                XFG.SurfaceFormat bestSurfaceFormat;
                XFG.DepthFormat bestDepthStencilFormat;
                int bestMultiSampleCount;

                if ( false /* _isSwapChain */ )
                    // Create swap chain
                        _swapChain = new XFG.SwapChain( device, this._xnapp );
                    catch ( Exception )
                        // Try a second time, may fail the first time due to back buffer count,
                        // which will be corrected by the runtime
                            _swapChain = new XFG.SwapChain( device, this._xnapp );
                        catch ( Exception ex )
                            throw new Exception( "Unable to create an additional swap chain", ex );

                    // Store references to buffers for convenience
                    _renderSurface = _swapChain.GetBackBuffer( 0, XFG.BackBufferType.Mono );

                    // Additional swap chains need their own depth buffer
                    // to support resizing them
                    if ( isDepthBuffered )
                        bool discard = ( this._xnapp.PresentationFlag & XFG.PresentFlag.DiscardDepthStencil ) == 0;

                            _stencilBuffer = device.CreateDepthStencilSurface( Width, Height, this._xnapp.AutoDepthStencilFormat, this._xnapp.MultiSampleType, this._xnapp.MultiSampleQuality, discard );
                        catch ( Exception )
                            throw new Exception( "Unable to create a depth buffer for the swap chain" );
                    if (device == null) // We haven't created the device yet, this must be the first time
                        ConfigOptionCollection configOptions = Root.Instance.RenderSystem.ConfigOptions;
                        ConfigOption FPUMode = configOptions["Floating-point mode"];

                        // Set default settings (use the one Axiom discovered as a default)
                        XFG.GraphicsAdapter adapterToUse = Driver.Adapter;

                        if (this._useNVPerfHUD)
                            // Look for 'NVIDIA NVPerfHUD' adapter
                            // If it is present, override default settings
                            foreach (XFG.GraphicsAdapter adapter in XFG.GraphicsAdapter.Adapters)
                                LogManager.Instance.Write("[XNA] : NVIDIA PerfHUD requested, checking adapter {0}:{1}", adapter.DeviceName, adapter.Description);
                                if (adapter.Description.ToLower().Contains("perfhud"))
                                    LogManager.Instance.Write("[XNA] : NVIDIA PerfHUD requested, using adapter {0}:{1}", adapter.DeviceName, adapter.Description);
                                    adapterToUse = adapter;
                                    XFG.GraphicsAdapter.UseReferenceDevice = true;

                        XFG.GraphicsProfile _profile = adapterToUse.IsProfileSupported(XFG.GraphicsProfile.HiDef) ? XFG.GraphicsProfile.HiDef : XFG.GraphicsProfile.Reach;
						currentAdapter.QueryBackBufferFormat( _profile, this._xnapp.BackBufferFormat, XFG.DepthFormat.Depth24Stencil8, _fsaaQuality, out bestSurfaceFormat, out bestDepthStencilFormat, out bestMultiSampleCount );

						this._xnapp.DepthStencilFormat = bestDepthStencilFormat;

						//bestMultiSampleCount holds a value that xna thinks would be best for Anti-Aliasing,
						//but fsaaQuality was chosen by the user, so I'm leaving this the same -DoubleA
						this._xnapp.MultiSampleCount = _fsaaQuality;

                        // create the XNA GraphicsDevice, trying for the best vertex support first, and settling for less if necessary
                            // hardware vertex processing
                            this._xnapp.DeviceWindowHandle = _windowHandle;
                            device = new XFG.GraphicsDevice(adapterToUse, _profile, this._xnapp);
                        catch (Exception)
                                // Try a second time, may fail the first time due to back buffer count,
                                // which will be corrected down to 1 by the runtime
                                device = new XFG.GraphicsDevice(adapterToUse, _profile, this._xnapp);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                throw new Exception("Failed to create XNA GraphicsDevice", ex);
                    // update device in driver
                    Driver.XnaDevice = device;

                    device.DeviceReset += new EventHandler<EventArgs>(OnResetDevice);