Axiom.Core.Frustum._updateWorldSpaceCorners C# (CSharp) 메소드

_updateWorldSpaceCorners() 보호된 메소드

protected _updateWorldSpaceCorners ( ) : void
리턴 void
		protected virtual void _updateWorldSpaceCorners()
			Matrix4 eyeToWorld = _viewMatrix.InverseAffine();

			// Note: Even though we could be dealing with general a projection matrix here,
			//       it is incompatible with the infinite far plane, thus, we need to work
			//		 with projection parameters.

			// Calc near plane corners
			Real nearLeft, nearRight, nearBottom, nearTop;
			CalculateProjectionParameters( out nearLeft, out nearRight, out nearBottom, out nearTop );

			// Treat infinite fardist as some arbitrary far value
			Real farDist = ( _farDistance == 0 ) ? 100000 : _farDistance;

			// Calc far palne corners
			Real ratio = _projectionType == Projection.Perspective ? _farDistance / _nearDistance : 1;
			Real farLeft = nearLeft * ratio;
			Real farRight = nearRight * ratio;
			Real farBottom = nearBottom * ratio;
			Real farTop = nearTop * ratio;

			// near
			_worldSpaceCorners[ 0 ] = eyeToWorld.TransformAffine( new Vector3( nearRight, nearTop, -_nearDistance ) );
			_worldSpaceCorners[ 1 ] = eyeToWorld.TransformAffine( new Vector3( nearLeft, nearTop, -_nearDistance ) );
			_worldSpaceCorners[ 2 ] = eyeToWorld.TransformAffine( new Vector3( nearLeft, nearBottom, -_nearDistance ) );
			_worldSpaceCorners[ 3 ] = eyeToWorld.TransformAffine( new Vector3( nearRight, nearBottom, -_nearDistance ) );
			// far
			_worldSpaceCorners[ 4 ] = eyeToWorld.TransformAffine( new Vector3( farRight, farTop, -_farDistance ) );
			_worldSpaceCorners[ 5 ] = eyeToWorld.TransformAffine( new Vector3( farLeft, farTop, -_farDistance ) );
			_worldSpaceCorners[ 6 ] = eyeToWorld.TransformAffine( new Vector3( farLeft, farBottom, -_farDistance ) );
			_worldSpaceCorners[ 7 ] = eyeToWorld.TransformAffine( new Vector3( farRight, farBottom, -_farDistance ) );

			_recalculateWorldSpaceCorners = false;