Axiom.Core.ColorEx.Parse_0_255_String C# (CSharp) 메소드

Parse_0_255_String() 공개 정적인 메소드

public static Parse_0_255_String ( string parsableText ) : ColorEx
parsableText string
리턴 ColorEx
		public static ColorEx Parse_0_255_String( string parsableText )
			ColorEx retVal;
			if ( parsableText == null )
				throw new ArgumentException( "The parsableText parameter cannot be null." );
			string[] vals = parsableText.TrimStart( '(', '[', '<' ).TrimEnd( ')', ']', '>' ).Split( ',' );
			if ( vals.Length < 3 )
				throw new FormatException( string.Format( "Cannot parse the text '{0}' because it must of the form (r,g,b) or (r,g,b,a)",
														parsableText ) );
			//float r, g, b, a;
				retVal.r = int.Parse( vals[ 0 ].Trim() ) / 255f;
				retVal.g = int.Parse( vals[ 1 ].Trim() ) / 255f;
				retVal.b = int.Parse( vals[ 2 ].Trim() ) / 255f;
				if ( vals.Length == 4 )
					retVal.a = int.Parse( vals[ 3 ].Trim() ) / 255f;
					retVal.a = 1.0f;
			catch ( Exception )
				throw new FormatException( "The parts of the ColorEx in Parse_0_255 must be integers" );
			return retVal;