AwsSnapshotScheduler.Program.CheckForScheduledSnapshots C# (CSharp) 메소드

CheckForScheduledSnapshots() 공개 정적인 메소드

Check for any volumes that have a snapshot scheduled based on the schedule in the snapshotSchedule tag key.
public static CheckForScheduledSnapshots ( ) : void
리턴 void
        public static void CheckForScheduledSnapshots()
            Console.WriteLine("Checking for scheduled snapshots in " + Program.options.Region + "...");

            AmazonEC2Client ec2 = Ec2Helper.CreateClient();

            DescribeVolumesRequest rq = new DescribeVolumesRequest();
            rq.Filters.Add(new Filter() { Name = "tag-key", Values = new List<string>() { "snapshotSchedule" } });
            DescribeVolumesResponse rs = ec2.DescribeVolumes(rq);

            foreach (Volume v in rs.Volumes)

                string[] sch2 = Ec2Helper.GetTagValue(v.Tags, "snapshotSchedule").Split(' ');

                string volumename = Ec2Helper.GetTagValue(v.Tags, "Name");

                DateTime lastSnap; // date of last snapshot
                DateTime nextSnap; // the next backup that should have occured based on last backup
                DateTime nextNextSnap; // the next backup that should occur assuming a backup runs now or ran at the last proper time

                DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow;

                if (!DateTime.TryParse(Ec2Helper.GetTagValue(v.Tags, "lastSnapshot"), out lastSnap))
                    lastSnap = Convert.ToDateTime("1/1/2010");

                Console.WriteLine("Checking " + v.VolumeId + " / " + volumename + "...");
            //sch2 = ("hourly 4 :30 x30days").Split(' ');
            //lastSnap = Convert.ToDateTime("2/29/2012 6:00:15pm");
            //now = Convert.ToDateTime("2/29/2012 10:00:14pm");

                    case "hourly": // hourly, hourly 1 :15, hourly :30, hourly 4 (pass it hours between backups & when on the hour to do it, any order; defaults to every hour on the hour)

                        int ah = GetAfterTheHour(sch2, 0);
                        int hi = GetInt(sch2, 1);

                        nextSnap = lastSnap.AddMinutes(-lastSnap.Minute).AddSeconds(-lastSnap.Second).AddMilliseconds(-lastSnap.Millisecond);
                        nextSnap = nextSnap.AddHours(hi).AddMinutes(ah);

                        // this is not right
                        nextNextSnap = now.AddMinutes(-now.Minute).AddSeconds(-now.Second).AddMilliseconds(-now.Millisecond);
                        nextNextSnap = nextNextSnap.AddMinutes(ah).AddHours(hi);


                    case "daily": // daily, 3pm, daily 15:15, daily 3:30pm (times are UTC; defaults to midnight UTC)

                        DateTime hour = GetTime(sch2, Convert.ToDateTime("0:00"));

                        nextSnap = lastSnap.Date.AddDays(1).AddTicks(hour.TimeOfDay.Ticks);

                        nextNextSnap = now.Date.AddDays(1).AddTicks(hour.TimeOfDay.Ticks);


                    case "weekly": // weekly, weekly sunday, weekly thursday 3pm (times are UTC; defaults to sunday midnight UTC)

                        DateTime whour = GetTime(sch2, Convert.ToDateTime("0:00"));
                        DayOfWeek dow = GetDow(sch2, DayOfWeek.Sunday);

                            nextSnap = lastSnap.Date.AddDays(-(int)lastSnap.DayOfWeek).AddDays(7 + (int)dow).AddTicks(whour.TimeOfDay.Ticks);
                            nextSnap = lastSnap.Date.AddDays(-(int)lastSnap.DayOfWeek).AddDays((int)dow).AddTicks(whour.TimeOfDay.Ticks);

                        nextNextSnap = now.Date.AddDays(-(int)now.DayOfWeek).AddDays(7 + (int)dow).AddTicks(whour.TimeOfDay.Ticks);
                        if (nextSnap == nextNextSnap)
                            nextNextSnap = nextNextSnap.AddDays(7);

                        lastSnap = now.AddYears(1);
                        nextSnap = lastSnap;
                        nextNextSnap = lastSnap;

            //Console.WriteLine("last=" + lastSnap.ToString());
            //Console.WriteLine("now=" + now);
            //Console.WriteLine("next=" + nextSnap.ToString());
            //Console.WriteLine("nextNext=" + nextNextSnap.ToString());
                if (nextSnap <= now)

                    // create snapshot of volume

                    string expires = "";
                    int expireHours = GetExpireHours(sch2, 0);
                    if (expireHours > 0)
                        expires = now.AddHours(expireHours).ToString();

                    Backup(volumename, "automatic", v.VolumeId, volumename, Ec2Helper.GetInstanceName(v.Attachments.First().InstanceId), expires);

                    // update volume tags

                    CreateTagsRequest rqq = new CreateTagsRequest();


                    nextSnap = nextSnap.AddSeconds(-nextSnap.Second).AddMilliseconds(-nextSnap.Millisecond);

                    rqq.Tags.Add(new Tag { Key = "lastSnapshot", Value = now.ToString() });
                    rqq.Tags.Add(new Tag { Key = "nextSnapshot", Value = nextNextSnap.ToString() });

                    var createTagResponse = ec2.CreateTags(rqq);
                    Console.WriteLine("    Next scheduled " + nextSnap.ToString());
