Aries.Form1.CompressFile C# (CSharp) 메소드

CompressFile() 개인적인 메소드

Compress the target file with Compress.CompressData() (GZip)
private CompressFile ( ) : void
리턴 void
        private void CompressFile()
            bool islarger = false;
            Util.OriginalSize = Util.file1TargetFileOutput.Length;
            string byteSource = Util.file1TargetFileOutput;

            //Compress the target file
            Util.file1TargetFileOutput = Encoding.Default.GetString(

            Util.PackedSize = Util.file1TargetFileOutput.Length;
            decimal csize = ((decimal)Util.PackedSize / (decimal)Util.OriginalSize) * 100;

            //If it's bigger after compressing, don't use the compressed string & use the original
            if (Convert.ToInt64(Strings.Split(Convert.ToString(csize), ".", -1, CompareMethod.Text)[0]) > 100)
            { islarger = true; }

            if (islarger)
                Util.compressed = false;
                Util.file1TargetFileOutput = byteSource;
                //Skipped file compression on the target file as it would make the file larger than the original
                DebugLBL1.Text += FromBase64("U2tpcHBlZCBmaWxlIGNvbXByZXNzaW9uIG9uIHRoZSB0YXJnZXQgZmlsZSBhcyBpdCB3b3VsZCBtYWtlIHRoZSBmaWxlIGxhcmdlciB0aGFuIHRoZSBvcmlnaW5hbA==") + '\n';
                Util.compressed = true;
                //Target file size after compressing:
                DebugLBL1.Text += FromBase64("VGFyZ2V0IGZpbGUgc2l6ZSBhZnRlciBjb21wcmVzc2luZzog") +
                    CodeDOMCompiler.SetBytes(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(Util.file1TargetFileOutput), false) + '\n';