Adf.ObjectFactory.ObjectBuilder.Configuration.AssemblyQualifiedTypeNameConverter.ConvertFrom C# (CSharp) 메소드

ConvertFrom() 공개 메소드

Returns a type based on the assembly qualified name passed in as data.
public ConvertFrom ( ITypeDescriptorContext context, System culture, object value ) : object
context ITypeDescriptorContext The container representing this System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor.
culture System Culture info for assembly.
value object Data to convert.
리턴 object
        public override object ConvertFrom(ITypeDescriptorContext context, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture, object value)
            var stringValue = (string)value;
            var result = Type.GetType(stringValue, false);
            if (result == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(Resources.Culture, Resources.ExceptionInvalidType, stringValue));

            return result;