AGS.Editor.Components.TranslationsComponent.CommandClick C# (CSharp) 메소드

CommandClick() 공개 메소드

public CommandClick ( string controlID ) : void
controlID string
리턴 void
        public override void CommandClick(string controlID)
            if (controlID == COMMAND_NEW_ITEM)
                IList<Translation> items = _agsEditor.CurrentGame.Translations;
                Translation newItem = new Translation(GetFreeNameForTranslation());
                newItem.Name = newItem.Name;

                // Create a dummy placeholder file
                StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(newItem.FileName);

                string newNodeID = "Trl" + (items.Count - 1);
                _guiController.ProjectTree.StartFromNode(this, TOP_LEVEL_COMMAND_ID);
                AddTreeLeafForTranslation(newNodeID, newItem);
                _guiController.ProjectTree.SelectNode(this, newNodeID);
                _agsEditor.CurrentGame.FilesAddedOrRemoved = true;

                StartRename(newItem, newNodeID);
            else if (controlID == COMMAND_RENAME_ITEM)
                StartRename(_itemRightClicked, _commandIDRightClicked);
            else if (controlID == COMMAND_MAKE_DEFAULT)
                if (_guiController.ShowQuestion("This command will replace all the text in your game with the translations in this file. This means that your current default language will be lost in the process.\n\nAdditionally, all your translations will be updated to contain this translation as the source text.\n\nAre you really sure you want to continue?", MessageBoxIcon.Warning) == DialogResult.Yes)
            else if (controlID == COMMAND_UPDATE_SOURCE)
                List<Translation> translations = new List<Translation>();
            else if (controlID == COMMAND_UPDATE_ALL)
            else if (controlID == COMMAND_COMPILE)
                CompileMessages errors = new CompileMessages();
                CompileTranslation(_itemRightClicked, errors);
                if (errors.Count > 0)
                    _guiController.ShowMessage(errors[0].Message, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
                    _guiController.ShowMessage("Translation compiled successfully.", MessageBoxIcon.Information);
            else if (controlID == COMMAND_DELETE_ITEM)
                if (_guiController.ShowQuestion("Are you sure you want to delete this translation?") == DialogResult.Yes)
                    string removing = _itemRightClicked.FileName;
                    /*                    if (_documents.ContainsKey(_itemRightClicked))
                    _agsEditor.CurrentGame.FilesAddedOrRemoved = true;

                    if (File.Exists(_itemRightClicked.FileName))
                if (controlID != TOP_LEVEL_COMMAND_ID)
                    Translation translation = _agsEditor.CurrentGame.Translations[Convert.ToInt32(controlID.Substring(3))];
                    _guiController.ShowMessage("Currently you cannot edit translations within the editor. Load the file " + translation.FileName + " into your favourite text editor to do your translation work.", MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                    /*                    if (!_documents.ContainsKey(chosenFont))
                                            Dictionary<string, object> list = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                                            list.Add(chosenFont.Name + " (Font " + chosenFont.ID + ")", chosenFont);

                                            _documents.Add(chosenFont, new ContentDocument(new FontEditor(chosenFont), chosenFont.WindowTitle, this, list));
                                            _documents[chosenFont].SelectedPropertyGridObject = chosenFont;