ABB.Swum.Nodes.VariableDeclarationNode.InitType C# (CSharp) 메소드

InitType() 보호된 메소드

Creates a TypeNode from a string version of the type, and set it to the Type property.
protected InitType ( string typeName, bool isPrimitive, IdSplitter splitter, Tagger tagger ) : void
typeName string A string version of the variable's type.
isPrimitive bool Whether the type is a primitive data type.
splitter IdSplitter An IdSplitter to split the type into words.
tagger Tagger A Tagger to tag the parts-of-speech of the type words.
리턴 void
        protected virtual void InitType(string typeName, bool isPrimitive, IdSplitter splitter, Tagger tagger) {
            this.Type = new TypeNode(typeName, isPrimitive, splitter, tagger);