WaiterEntry.Signal C# (CSharp) 메소드

Signal() 공개 메소드

Signal the waiter that it got a work item.
public Signal ( WorkItem workItem ) : bool
workItem WorkItem
리턴 bool
            public bool Signal(WorkItem workItem)
                    if (!_isTimedout)
                        _workItem = workItem;
                        _isSignaled = true;
                        return true;
                return false;

Usage Example

        /// <summary>
        /// Enqueue a work item to the queue.
        /// </summary>
        public bool EnqueueWorkItem(WorkItem workItem)
            // A work item cannot be null, since null is used in the
            // WaitForWorkItem() method to indicate timeout or cancel
            if (null == workItem)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("workItem", "workItem cannot be null");

            bool enqueue = true;

            // First check if there is a waiter waiting for work item. During
            // the check, timed out waiters are ignored. If there is no
            // waiter then the work item is queued.
            lock (this)

                if (!_isWorkItemsQueueActive)

                while (_waitersCount > 0)
                    // Dequeue a waiter.
                    WaiterEntry waiterEntry = PopWaiter();

                    // Signal the waiter. On success break the loop
                    if (waiterEntry.Signal(workItem))
                        enqueue = false;

                if (enqueue)
                    // Enqueue the work item