UPNP.UPnP.Discover C# (CSharp) Method

Discover() public method

public Discover ( IPAddress localIPAddress ) : bool
localIPAddress System.Net.IPAddress
return bool
        public bool Discover(IPAddress localIPAddress)
            // Socket für UDP Pakete
            Socket socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp);
            socket.Bind(new IPEndPoint(localIPAddress, 0));
            socket.ReceiveTimeout = 3000;

            // SSDP Request String
            string ssdpRequestString =
                "M-SEARCH * HTTP/1.1\r\n" +
                "HOST:\r\n" +
                "MAN: \"ssdp:discover\"\r\n" +                                      // The field value specifies the value of "ssdp:discover" to be used for the search in SSDP
                "MX: 3\r\n" +                                                       // Maximum time (seconds) to wait for the M-SEARCH response
                "ST: urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:InternetGatewayDevice:1\r\n\r\n";  // This specifies the Search Target to search for using M-SEARCH

            // SSDP Request
            byte[] ssdpRequest = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(ssdpRequestString);

            // Request geht an Multicast-Adresse
            IPEndPoint ipEndpoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 1900);

            // Empfangspuffer
            byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
            int length = 0;

                // UDP Paket absenden
                socket.SendTo(ssdpRequest, ipEndpoint);

                // auf Antwort(en) warten
                    length = socket.Receive(buffer);
                    string response = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer, 0, length);

                    // Internet Gateway Device?
                    if (response.Contains("urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:InternetGatewayDevice:1"))
                        // Description URL extrahieren
                        int startLocationIndex = response.ToLower().IndexOf("location:");
                        response = response.Substring(startLocationIndex + "location:".Length);
                        int endLocationIndex = response.IndexOf("\r");
                        m_DescriptionURL = response.Substring(0, endLocationIndex).Trim();

                        if (GetServiceAndEventURL(m_DescriptionURL))
                            return true;
                while (length > 0);

            catch (Exception e)
                if (e is SocketException)
                    SocketException se = (SocketException)e;

                    if (se.SocketErrorCode == SocketError.TimedOut)
                        throw new Exception("No UPnP device found!");

                throw e;                

            return false;

Usage Example

コード例 #1
ファイル: Transport.cs プロジェクト: RELOAD-NET/RELOAD.NET
        public void reload_attach_inbound(ReloadMessage recmsg)

                AttachReqAns req_answ = (AttachReqAns)recmsg.reload_message_body;
                NodeId OriginatorID = recmsg.OriginatorID;

                if (req_answ != null && req_answ.ice_candidates != null)
                    //if (ReloadGlobals.UseNoIce || m_ReloadConfig.IsBootstrap)
                    //Node attacher = new Node(recmsg.OriginatorID, req_answ.ice_candidates);           // markus, moved down
                    //bool isFinger = m_topology.routing_table.isFinger(attacher.Id);

                    //m_topology.routing_table.SetNodeState(recmsg.OriginatorID, NodeState.attached);

                    // incoming ATTACH REQUEST, so localnode is controlled agent
                    if (recmsg.IsRequest())

                                      String.Format("{0} ==> {1} TransId={2:x16}",
                                      RELOAD_MessageCode.Attach_Answer.ToString().PadRight(16, ' '),
                                      OriginatorID, recmsg.TransactionID));

                        ReloadMessage sendmsg = create_attach_answ(
                          new Destination(OriginatorID), recmsg.TransactionID);

                        // log output
                        m_ReloadConfig.Logger(ReloadGlobals.TRACEFLAGS.T_INFO, String.Format("Attach Request: Transaction ID: {0:x}", recmsg.TransactionID));

                        foreach (IceCandidate cand in ((AttachReqAns)sendmsg.reload_message_body).ice_candidates)
                            m_ReloadConfig.Logger(ReloadGlobals.TRACEFLAGS.T_INFO, String.Format("Attach Request: Gathered local candidate for Answer: {0}:{1} (TransId: {2:x})", cand.addr_port.ipaddr.ToString(), cand.addr_port.port, sendmsg.TransactionID));

                        foreach (IceCandidate cand in req_answ.ice_candidates)
                            m_ReloadConfig.Logger(ReloadGlobals.TRACEFLAGS.T_INFO, String.Format("Attach Request: Received remote candidate: {0}:{1} (TransId: {2:x})", cand.addr_port.ipaddr.ToString(), cand.addr_port.port, recmsg.TransactionID));

                        //sendmsg.addOverlayForwardingOptions(recmsg);  //Proprietary  //--Joscha	
                        if (m_machine is GWMachine)
                        { //workaround in case date is stored at the gateway node responsible to route the message back into the interconnectionoverlay 
                            if (sendmsg.forwarding_header.destination_list[0].destination_data.node_id == ((GWMachine)m_machine).GateWay.interDomainPeer.Topology.LocalNode.Id)
                                sendmsg.reload_message_body.RELOAD_MsgCode = RELOAD_MessageCode.Fetch_Answer;
                                send(sendmsg, m_topology.routing_table.GetNode(recmsg.LastHopNodeId));
                            send(sendmsg, m_topology.routing_table.GetNode(recmsg.LastHopNodeId));

                        // markus
                        if (!ReloadGlobals.UseNoIce) // using ICE
                            // we only need ICE processing if localnode is a peer (in case of bootstrap we need no checks)
                            if (!m_ReloadConfig.IsBootstrap)

                                #region ICE TODO
                                // localnode is Peer => ICE processing (this is controlled node)
                                AttachReqAns attachAnswer = (AttachReqAns)sendmsg.reload_message_body;

                                // deep copy of local and remote ice candidates
                                List<IceCandidate> localIceCandidatesCopy = new List<IceCandidate>();
                                List<IceCandidate> remoteIceCandidatesCopy = new List<IceCandidate>();

                                // local candidates
                                foreach (IceCandidate cand in attachAnswer.ice_candidates)
                                    IceCandidate deepCopy = (IceCandidate)cand.Clone();

                                // remote candidates
                                foreach (IceCandidate cand in req_answ.ice_candidates)
                                    IceCandidate deepCopy = (IceCandidate)cand.Clone();

                                // now form check list
                                //CheckList checkList = ICE.FormCheckList(attachAnswer.ice_candidates, req_answ.ice_candidates, false);
                                CheckList checkList = ICE.FormCheckList(localIceCandidatesCopy, remoteIceCandidatesCopy, false);


                                Console.WriteLine("ThreadId: {0}, send_params einfügen: checkList count {1}", Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, checkList.candidatePairs.Count);
                                // Add to connection queue
                                for (int i = 0; i < checkList.candidatePairs.Count; i++)
                                    ReloadSendParameters send_params = new ReloadSendParameters()
                                        connectionTableEntry = null,
                                        destinationAddress = checkList.candidatePairs[i].remoteCandidate.addr_port.ipaddr,
                                        port = checkList.candidatePairs[i].remoteCandidate.addr_port.port,
                                        buffer = null,
                                        frame = false,
                                        done = new Port<bool>(),
                                        // markus
                                        connectionSocket = null,

                                    // if key already exists => skip
                                    if (!GetForwardingAndLinkManagementLayer().GetConnectionQueue().ContainsKey(checkList.candidatePairs[i].remoteCandidate))
                                        GetForwardingAndLinkManagementLayer().GetConnectionQueue().Add(checkList.candidatePairs[i].remoteCandidate, send_params);


                                ICE.ScheduleChecks(checkList, m_ReloadConfig.Logger);

                                // Wait for signals of all succeded candidate pairs. Only one of the succeded candidate pairs is nominated
                                #region signaling
                                // wait for nomination signal
                                List<Thread> waitingThreads = new List<Thread>();

                                foreach (CandidatePair candPair in checkList.candidatePairs)
                                    if (candPair.state == CandidatePairState.Succeeded)
                                        switch (candPair.localCandidate.tcpType)
                                            case TcpType.Active:
                                                    if (candPair.localCandidate.activeConnectingSocket != null)
                                                        Thread waitThread = new Thread(() =>
                                                            candPair.nominated = ICE.WaitForSignal(candPair.localCandidate.activeConnectingSocket);

                                            case TcpType.Passive:
                                                    if (candPair.localCandidate.passiveAcceptedSocket != null)
                                                        Thread waitThread = new Thread(() =>
                                                            candPair.nominated = ICE.WaitForSignal(candPair.localCandidate.passiveAcceptedSocket);

                                            case TcpType.SO:
                                                    if (candPair.localCandidate.soAcceptedSocket != null)
                                                        Thread waitThread = new Thread(() =>
                                                            candPair.nominated = ICE.WaitForSignal(candPair.localCandidate.soAcceptedSocket);

                                                    else if (candPair.localCandidate.soConnectingSocket != null)
                                                        Thread waitThread = new Thread(() =>
                                                            candPair.nominated = ICE.WaitForSignal(candPair.localCandidate.soConnectingSocket);

                                        }   // switch
                                    }   // if
                                }   // foreach

                                // wait for all threads
                                foreach (Thread waitingThread in waitingThreads)

                                // choose pair
                                CandidatePair choosenPair = null;

                                // any nominated pair?
                                if (checkList.candidatePairs.Any(item => item.nominated == true))
                                    choosenPair = checkList.candidatePairs.First(item => item.nominated == true);

                                // Close all sockets of all candidate pairs not nominated
                                //for (int i = 0; i < checkList.candidatePairs.Count; i++)
                                //    if ((!checkList.candidatePairs[i].nominated) || (checkList.candidatePairs[i].state != CandidatePairState.Succeeded))
                                //        ICE.CloseAllCandidateSockets(checkList.candidatePairs[i].localCandidate);

                                // add node with chosen remote candidate
                                if (choosenPair != null)

                                    // save connection

                                    // get connection
                                    Socket socket = GetForwardingAndLinkManagementLayer().GetConnection(choosenPair);

                                    // Get IPAdress and Port of the attacher from attachers certificate cn
                                    System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 tempcert = new System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2(recmsg.security_block.Certificates[0].Certificate);
                                    IPEndPoint attacherEndpoint =
                                        new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(tempcert.SubjectName.Name.ToString().Split(':')[1]),
                                                       Convert.ToInt32( tempcert.SubjectName.Name.ToString().Split(':')[2]));
                                    // StartReloadTLSClient
                                    GetForwardingAndLinkManagementLayer().StartReloadTLSClient(OriginatorID, socket, attacherEndpoint);

                                    // for all candidates send_params.done = true
                                    for (int i = 0; i < checkList.candidatePairs.Count; i++)
                                        ReloadSendParameters send_params;

                                        GetForwardingAndLinkManagementLayer().GetConnectionQueue().TryGetValue(checkList.candidatePairs[i].remoteCandidate, out send_params);

                                        if (send_params != null)

                                            // remove from connection queue

                                    List<IceCandidate> choosenRemoteCandidates = new List<IceCandidate>();

                                    Node attacher = new Node(recmsg.OriginatorID, choosenRemoteCandidates);
                                    bool isFinger = m_topology.routing_table.isFinger(attacher.Id);

                                    m_topology.routing_table.SetNodeState(recmsg.OriginatorID, NodeState.attached);

                                // free all port mappings created by UPnP
                                foreach (IceCandidate cand in attachAnswer.ice_candidates)
                                    if (cand.cand_type == CandType.tcp_nat)
                                        UPnP upnp = new UPnP();
                                        bool discovered = upnp.Discover(cand.rel_addr_port.ipaddr);

                                        if (discovered)
                                            upnp.DeletePortMapping(cand.addr_port.port, ProtocolType.Tcp);



                                // localnode is bootstrap => no ICE processing

                                Node attacher = new Node(recmsg.OriginatorID, req_answ.ice_candidates);
                                bool isFinger = m_topology.routing_table.isFinger(attacher.Id);

                                m_topology.routing_table.SetNodeState(recmsg.OriginatorID, NodeState.attached);



                        // using NO ICE

                            Node attacher = new Node(recmsg.OriginatorID, req_answ.ice_candidates);
                            bool isFinger = m_topology.routing_table.isFinger(attacher.Id);

                            m_topology.routing_table.SetNodeState(recmsg.OriginatorID, NodeState.attached);
                        // markus end

                        if (req_answ.SendUpdate)
                            Arbiter.Activate(m_DispatcherQueue, new IterativeTask<Node, Node>(


                    // incoming ATTACH ANSWER, so localnode is controlling agent
                    // and localnode must be a peer, because bootstraps dont create attach requests and because of this cant receive an attach answer
                        // using NOICE
                        if (ReloadGlobals.UseNoIce)     // markus: added if/else statement
                              String.Format("{0} <== {1} (not handled!!)",
                              req_answ.RELOAD_MsgCode.ToString().PadRight(16, ' '), OriginatorID));

                        // using ICE
                            // get local candidates from request
                            List<IceCandidate> localCandidates = null;
                            bool gotLocalCandidate = m_attachRequestCandidates.TryGetValue(recmsg.TransactionID, out localCandidates);

                            // log output
                            m_ReloadConfig.Logger(ReloadGlobals.TRACEFLAGS.T_INFO, String.Format("Attach Answer: Transaction ID: {0:x}", recmsg.TransactionID));
                            foreach (IceCandidate cand in localCandidates)
                                m_ReloadConfig.Logger(ReloadGlobals.TRACEFLAGS.T_INFO, String.Format("Attach Answer: Got local candidate: {0}:{1} (TransId: {2:x})", cand.addr_port.ipaddr.ToString(), cand.addr_port.port, recmsg.TransactionID));

                            foreach (IceCandidate cand in req_answ.ice_candidates)
                                m_ReloadConfig.Logger(ReloadGlobals.TRACEFLAGS.T_INFO, String.Format("Attach Answer: Received remote candidate: {0}:{1} (TransId: {2:x})", cand.addr_port.ipaddr.ToString(), cand.addr_port.port, recmsg.TransactionID));

                            if (req_answ.ice_candidates != null)
                                // we need ice, except the answering peer is a bootstrap
                                bool needIce = true;

                                //// bootstrap responses with only one candidate
                                //if (req_answ.ice_candidates.Count == 1)
                                // is it really a bootstrap?
                                if (req_answ.ice_candidates[0].cand_type == CandType.tcp_bootstrap)
                                    // attached to a bootstrap, so we have to do nothing here, no ice processing needed
                                    needIce = false;


                                if (needIce)
                                    #region ICE TODO
                                    // ICE processing (this is controlling node)
                                    if (gotLocalCandidate)
                                        // deep copy of remote ice candidates
                                        List<IceCandidate> remoteIceCandidatesCopy = new List<IceCandidate>();

                                        // remote candidates
                                        foreach (IceCandidate cand in req_answ.ice_candidates)
                                            IceCandidate deepCopy = (IceCandidate)cand.Clone();

                                        //CheckList checkList = ICE.FormCheckList(localCandidates, req_answ.ice_candidates, true);
                                        CheckList checkList = ICE.FormCheckList(localCandidates, remoteIceCandidatesCopy, true);


                                        ICE.ScheduleChecks(checkList, m_ReloadConfig.Logger);


                                        #region signaling

                                        // any succeeded pair?
                                        if (checkList.candidatePairs.Any(item => item.state == CandidatePairState.Succeeded))
                                            // get all succeeded pairs
                                            List<CandidatePair> succeededPairs = checkList.candidatePairs.Where(item => item.state == CandidatePairState.Succeeded).ToList();

                                            // send nomination signal to peer
                                            bool sentSuccessfull = false;
                                            bool nominated;
                                            int counter = 0;

                                            foreach (CandidatePair pair in succeededPairs)
                                                // simply nominate the first succeeded pair
                                                if (counter == 0)
                                                    nominated = true;
                                                    nominated = false;

                                                switch (pair.localCandidate.tcpType)
                                                    case TcpType.Active:
                                                            if (pair.localCandidate.activeConnectingSocket != null)
                                                                sentSuccessfull = ICE.SendSignal(pair.localCandidate.activeConnectingSocket, nominated);
                                                                pair.nominated = nominated;

                                                    case TcpType.Passive:
                                                            if (pair.localCandidate.passiveAcceptedSocket != null)
                                                                sentSuccessfull = ICE.SendSignal(pair.localCandidate.passiveAcceptedSocket, nominated);
                                                                pair.nominated = nominated;

                                                    case TcpType.SO:
                                                            if (pair.localCandidate.soAcceptedSocket != null)
                                                                sentSuccessfull = ICE.SendSignal(pair.localCandidate.soAcceptedSocket, nominated);
                                                                pair.nominated = nominated;

                                                            else if (pair.localCandidate.soConnectingSocket != null)
                                                                sentSuccessfull = ICE.SendSignal(pair.localCandidate.soConnectingSocket, nominated);
                                                                pair.nominated = nominated;

                                                }   // switch


                                            }   // foreach

                                            if (sentSuccessfull)


                                        #endregion  // signaling

                                            // Start Server here, if a nominated pair exists
                                            if (checkList.candidatePairs.Any(item => item.nominated))
                                                CandidatePair choosenPair = checkList.candidatePairs.First(item => item.nominated);

                                                // save connection here too?

                                                // get connection
                                                Socket socket = GetForwardingAndLinkManagementLayer().GetConnection(choosenPair);

                                                // StartReloadTLSServer
                                            } // if (any nominated)

                                        }   // if (any succeeded pair)

                                        // Close all sockets of all candidate pairs not nominated
                                        //for (int i = 0; i < checkList.candidatePairs.Count; i++)
                                        //    if ((!checkList.candidatePairs[i].nominated) || (checkList.candidatePairs[i].state != CandidatePairState.Succeeded))
                                        //        ICE.CloseAllCandidateSockets(checkList.candidatePairs[i].localCandidate);

                                    #endregion  // ICE


                                // existing nat candidates to free?
                                if (localCandidates != null)
                                    // free all port mappings created by UPnP
                                    foreach (IceCandidate cand in localCandidates)
                                        if (cand.cand_type == CandType.tcp_nat)
                                            UPnP upnp = new UPnP();
                                            bool discovered = upnp.Discover(cand.rel_addr_port.ipaddr);

                                            if (discovered)
                                                upnp.DeletePortMapping(cand.addr_port.port, ProtocolType.Tcp);




            catch (Exception e)


All Usage Examples Of UPNP.UPnP::Discover