System.Uri.InternalIsWellFormedOriginalString C# (CSharp) Method

InternalIsWellFormedOriginalString() private method

private InternalIsWellFormedOriginalString ( ) : bool
return bool
        internal unsafe bool InternalIsWellFormedOriginalString()
            if (UserDrivenParsing)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.net_uri_UserDrivenParsing, this.GetType().ToString()));

            fixed (char* str = _string)
                ushort idx = 0;
                // For a relative Uri we only care about escaping and backslashes
                if (!IsAbsoluteUri)
                    // my:scheme/path?query is not well formed because the colon is ambiguous
                    if (CheckForColonInFirstPathSegment(_string))
                        return false;
                    return (CheckCanonical(str, ref idx, (ushort)_string.Length, c_EOL)
                            & (Check.BackslashInPath | Check.EscapedCanonical)) == Check.EscapedCanonical;

                // (2) or is an absolute Uri that represents implicit file Uri "c:\dir\file"
                if (IsImplicitFile)
                    return false;

                //This will get all the offsets, a Host name will be checked separately below

                Flags nonCanonical = (_flags & (Flags.E_CannotDisplayCanonical | Flags.IriCanonical));
                // User, Path, Query or Fragment may have some non escaped characters
                if (((nonCanonical & Flags.E_CannotDisplayCanonical & (Flags.E_UserNotCanonical | Flags.E_PathNotCanonical |
                                        Flags.E_QueryNotCanonical | Flags.E_FragmentNotCanonical)) != Flags.Zero) &&
                    (!_iriParsing || (_iriParsing &&
                    (((nonCanonical & Flags.E_UserNotCanonical) == 0) || ((nonCanonical & Flags.UserIriCanonical) == 0)) &&
                    (((nonCanonical & Flags.E_PathNotCanonical) == 0) || ((nonCanonical & Flags.PathIriCanonical) == 0)) &&
                    (((nonCanonical & Flags.E_QueryNotCanonical) == 0) || ((nonCanonical & Flags.QueryIriCanonical) == 0)) &&
                    (((nonCanonical & Flags.E_FragmentNotCanonical) == 0) || ((nonCanonical & Flags.FragmentIriCanonical) == 0)))))
                    return false;

                // checking on scheme:\\ or file:////
                if (InFact(Flags.AuthorityFound))
                    idx = (ushort)(_info.Offset.Scheme + _syntax.SchemeName.Length + 2);
                    if (idx >= _info.Offset.User || _string[idx - 1] == '\\' || _string[idx] == '\\')
                        return false;

                    if (InFact(Flags.UncPath | Flags.DosPath))
                        while (++idx < _info.Offset.User && (_string[idx] == '/' || _string[idx] == '\\'))
                            return false;

                // (3) or is an absolute Uri that misses a slash before path "file://c:/dir/file"
                // Note that for this check to be more general we assert that if Path is non empty and if it requires a first slash
                // (which looks absent) then the method has to fail.
                // Today it's only possible for a Dos like path, i.e. file://c:/bla would fail below check.
                if (InFact(Flags.FirstSlashAbsent) && _info.Offset.Query > _info.Offset.Path)
                    return false;

                // (4) or contains unescaped backslashes even if they will be treated
                //     as forward slashes like http:\\host/path\file or file:\\\c:\path
                // Note we do not check for Flags.ShouldBeCompressed i.e. allow // /./ and alike as valid
                if (InFact(Flags.BackslashInPath))
                    return false;

                // Capturing a rare case like file:///c|/dir
                if (IsDosPath && _string[_info.Offset.Path + SecuredPathIndex - 1] == '|')
                    return false;

                // May need some real CPU processing to answer the request
                // Check escaping for authority
                // IPv6 hosts cannot be properly validated by CheckCannonical
                if ((_flags & Flags.CanonicalDnsHost) == 0 && HostType != Flags.IPv6HostType)
                    idx = _info.Offset.User;
                    Check result = CheckCanonical(str, ref idx, (ushort)_info.Offset.Path, '/');
                    if (((result & (Check.ReservedFound | Check.BackslashInPath | Check.EscapedCanonical))
                        != Check.EscapedCanonical)
                        && (!_iriParsing || (_iriParsing
                            && ((result & (Check.DisplayCanonical | Check.FoundNonAscii | Check.NotIriCanonical))
                                != (Check.DisplayCanonical | Check.FoundNonAscii)))))
                        return false;

                // Want to ensure there are slashes after the scheme
                if ((_flags & (Flags.SchemeNotCanonical | Flags.AuthorityFound))
                    == (Flags.SchemeNotCanonical | Flags.AuthorityFound))
                    idx = (ushort)_syntax.SchemeName.Length;
                    while (str[idx++] != ':') ;
                    if (idx + 1 >= _string.Length || str[idx] != '/' || str[idx + 1] != '/')
                        return false;
            // May be scheme, host, port or path need some canonicalization but still the uri string is found to be a 
            // "well formed" one
            return true;

Usage Example

コード例 #1
ファイル: UriScheme.cs プロジェクト: z77ma/runtime
 protected virtual bool IsWellFormedOriginalString(Uri uri)
All Usage Examples Of System.Uri::InternalIsWellFormedOriginalString