System.Resources.ResourceWriter.Generate C# (CSharp) Method

Generate() public method

public Generate ( ) : void
return void
        public void Generate()
            if (_resourceList == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.InvalidOperation_ResourceWriterSaved);

            BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(_output, Encoding.UTF8);
            List<string> typeNames = new List<string>();

            // Write out the ResourceManager header
            // Write out magic number

            // Write out ResourceManager header version number

            MemoryStream resMgrHeaderBlob = new MemoryStream(240);
            BinaryWriter resMgrHeaderPart = new BinaryWriter(resMgrHeaderBlob);

            // Write out class name of IResourceReader capable of handling 
            // this file.

            // Write out class name of the ResourceSet class best suited to
            // handling this file.
            // This needs to be the same even with multi-targeting. It's the 
            // full name -- not the assembly qualified name.

            // Write number of bytes to skip over to get past ResMgr header

            // Write the rest of the ResMgr header
            resMgrHeaderBlob.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            resMgrHeaderBlob.CopyTo(bw.BaseStream, (int)resMgrHeaderBlob.Length);
            // End ResourceManager header

            // Write out the RuntimeResourceSet header
            // Version number

            // number of resources
            int numResources = _resourceList.Count;
            if (_preserializedData != null)
                numResources += _preserializedData.Count;

            // Store values in temporary streams to write at end of file.
            int[] nameHashes = new int[numResources];
            int[] namePositions = new int[numResources];
            int curNameNumber = 0;
            MemoryStream nameSection = new MemoryStream(numResources * AverageNameSize);
            BinaryWriter names = new BinaryWriter(nameSection, Encoding.Unicode);

            Stream dataSection = new MemoryStream();  // Either a FileStream or a MemoryStream

            using (dataSection)
                BinaryWriter data = new BinaryWriter(dataSection, Encoding.UTF8);

                if (_preserializedData != null)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair<string, PrecannedResource> entry in _preserializedData)
                        _resourceList.Add(entry.Key, entry.Value);

                // Write resource name and position to the file, and the value
                // to our temporary buffer.  Save Type as well.
                foreach (var item in _resourceList)
                    nameHashes[curNameNumber] = FastResourceComparer.HashFunction(item.Key);
                    namePositions[curNameNumber++] = (int)names.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Current);
                    names.Write(item.Key); // key
                    names.Write((int)data.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Current)); // virtual offset of value.

                    object value = item.Value;
                    ResourceTypeCode typeCode = FindTypeCode(value, typeNames);

                    // Write out type code
                    Write7BitEncodedInt(data, (int)typeCode);

                    var userProvidedResource = value as PrecannedResource;
                    if (userProvidedResource != null)
                        WriteValue(typeCode, value, data);

                // At this point, the ResourceManager header has been written.
                // Finish RuntimeResourceSet header
                // The reader expects a list of user defined type names 
                // following the size of the list, write 0 for this 
                // writer implementation
                foreach (var typeName in typeNames)

                // Write out the name-related items for lookup.
                //  Note that the hash array and the namePositions array must
                //  be sorted in parallel.
                Array.Sort(nameHashes, namePositions);

                //  Prepare to write sorted name hashes (alignment fixup)
                //   Note: For 64-bit machines, these MUST be aligned on 8 byte 
                //   boundaries!  Pointers on IA64 must be aligned!  And we'll
                //   run faster on X86 machines too.
                int alignBytes = ((int)bw.BaseStream.Position) & 7;
                if (alignBytes > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < 8 - alignBytes; i++)
                        bw.Write("PAD"[i % 3]);

                //  Write out sorted name hashes.
                //   Align to 8 bytes.
                Debug.Assert((bw.BaseStream.Position & 7) == 0, "ResourceWriter: Name hashes array won't be 8 byte aligned!  Ack!");

                foreach (int hash in nameHashes)

                //  Write relative positions of all the names in the file.
                //   Note: this data is 4 byte aligned, occurring immediately 
                //   after the 8 byte aligned name hashes (whose length may 
                //   potentially be odd).
                Debug.Assert((bw.BaseStream.Position & 3) == 0, "ResourceWriter: Name positions array won't be 4 byte aligned!  Ack!");

                foreach (int pos in namePositions)

                // Flush all BinaryWriters to their underlying streams.

                // Write offset to data section
                int startOfDataSection = (int)(bw.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Current) + nameSection.Length);
                startOfDataSection += 4;  // We're writing an int to store this data, adding more bytes to the header

                // Write name section.
                nameSection.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                nameSection.CopyTo(bw.BaseStream, (int)nameSection.Length);

                // Write data section.
                Debug.Assert(startOfDataSection == bw.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Current), "ResourceWriter::Generate - start of data section is wrong!");
                dataSection.Position = 0;
            } // using(dataSection)  <--- Closes dataSection, which was opened w/ FileOptions.DeleteOnClose

            // Indicate we've called Generate
            _resourceList = null;

Usage Example

コード例 #1
        private static void WriteResourceFile(string resxFilePath)
            using (var fs = File.OpenRead(resxFilePath))
                var document = XDocument.Load(fs);

                var binDirPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(resxFilePath), "bin");
                if (!Directory.Exists(binDirPath))
                    Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(resxFilePath), "bin"));

                // Put in "bin" sub-folder of resx file
                var targetPath = Path.Combine(binDirPath, Path.ChangeExtension(Path.GetFileName(resxFilePath), ".resources"));

                using (var targetStream = File.Create(targetPath))
                    var rw = new ResourceWriter(targetStream);

                    foreach (var e in document.Root.Elements("data"))
                        var name = e.Attribute("name").Value;
                        var value = e.Element("value").Value;

                        rw.AddResource(name, value);

All Usage Examples Of System.Resources.ResourceWriter::Generate