Org.BouncyCastle.Math.BigInteger.Max C# (CSharp) Method

Max() public method

public Max ( BigInteger value ) : BigInteger
value BigInteger
return BigInteger
		public BigInteger Max(
			BigInteger value)
			return CompareTo(value) > 0 ? this : value;

Usage Example

コード例 #1
		public AsymmetricCipherKeyPair GenerateKeyPair()
            BigInteger p, q, n, d, e, pSub1, qSub1, phi;

            // p and q values should have a length of half the strength in bits
			int strength = param.Strength;
            int pbitlength = (strength + 1) / 2;
            int qbitlength = (strength - pbitlength);
			int mindiffbits = strength / 3;

			e = param.PublicExponent;

			// TODO Consider generating safe primes for p, q (see DHParametersHelper.generateSafePrimes)
			// (then p-1 and q-1 will not consist of only small factors - see "Pollard's algorithm")

            // Generate p, prime and (p-1) relatively prime to e
            for (;;)
				p = new BigInteger(pbitlength, 1, param.Random);

				if (p.Mod(e).Equals(BigInteger.One))

				if (!p.IsProbablePrime(param.Certainty))

				if (e.Gcd(p.Subtract(BigInteger.One)).Equals(BigInteger.One)) 

            // Generate a modulus of the required length
            for (;;)
                // Generate q, prime and (q-1) relatively prime to e,
                // and not equal to p
                for (;;)
					q = new BigInteger(qbitlength, 1, param.Random);

					if (q.Subtract(p).Abs().BitLength < mindiffbits)

					if (q.Mod(e).Equals(BigInteger.One))

					if (!q.IsProbablePrime(param.Certainty))

					if (e.Gcd(q.Subtract(BigInteger.One)).Equals(BigInteger.One)) 

                // calculate the modulus
                n = p.Multiply(q);

                if (n.BitLength == param.Strength)

                // if we Get here our primes aren't big enough, make the largest
                // of the two p and try again
                p = p.Max(q);

			if (p.CompareTo(q) < 0)
				phi = p;
				p = q;
				q = phi;

            pSub1 = p.Subtract(BigInteger.One);
            qSub1 = q.Subtract(BigInteger.One);
            phi = pSub1.Multiply(qSub1);

            // calculate the private exponent
            d = e.ModInverse(phi);

            // calculate the CRT factors
            BigInteger dP, dQ, qInv;

            dP = d.Remainder(pSub1);
            dQ = d.Remainder(qSub1);
            qInv = q.ModInverse(p);

            return new AsymmetricCipherKeyPair(
                new RsaKeyParameters(false, n, e),
                new RsaPrivateCrtKeyParameters(n, e, d, p, q, dP, dQ, qInv));
All Usage Examples Of Org.BouncyCastle.Math.BigInteger::Max