Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.Rdpbcgr.RdpbcgrTestSuite.S1_ConnectionTest_BasicSettingExchange_NegativeTest_InvalidClientReaquestedProtocols C# (CSharp) Method

S1_ConnectionTest_BasicSettingExchange_NegativeTest_InvalidClientReaquestedProtocols() private method

        public void S1_ConnectionTest_BasicSettingExchange_NegativeTest_InvalidClientReaquestedProtocols()
            #region Test Steps
            //1. Trigger SUT to initiate a RDP connection and complete the Connection Initiation phase.
            //2. Test Suite expects SUT continue the connection sequence with sending a Client MCS Connect Initial PDU with GCC Conference Create Request.
            //3. Test Suite responds an invalid Server MCS Connect Response PDU with GCC Conference Create Response and set clientReaquestedProtocols field in the Server Core Data to a value different with that sent in RDP Negotiation Response.
            //4. Test Suite expects SUT drop the connection.

            //Start RDP listening.
            this.TestSite.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Comment, "Starting RDP listening with transport protocol: {0}", transportProtocol.ToString());

            #region Trigger client to initiate a RDP connection
            //Trigger client to initiate a RDP connection.
            this.TestSite.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Comment, "Triggering SUT to initiate a RDP connection to server.");

            //Expect the transport layer connection request
            this.TestSite.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Comment, "Expecting SUT to start a transport layer connection request (TCP).");

            //Expect SUT send a Client X.224 Connection Request PDU.
            this.TestSite.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Comment, "Expecting SUT to send a Client X.224 Connection Request PDU");

            //Respond a Server X.224 Connection Confirm PDU and does not set the EXTENDED_CLIENT_DATA_SUPPORTED flag.
            this.TestSite.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Comment, "Sending Server X.224 Connection Confirm PDU to SUT. Selected protocol: {0}", selectedProtocol.ToString());
            this.rdpbcgrAdapter.Server_X_224_Connection_Confirm(selectedProtocol, false, true, NegativeType.None);

            //Expect SUT send Client MCS Connect Initial PDU.
            this.TestSite.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Comment, "Expecting SUT to send a Client MCS Connect Initial PDU.");

            //Respond A Server MCS Connect Response PDU with GCC Conference Create Response having invalid Client Requested protocol
            this.TestSite.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Comment, "Sending Server MCS Connect Response PDU to SUT. Encryption Method {0}; Encryption Level: {1}; RDP Version Code: {2}; Invalid Client Requested Protocol.", enMethod.ToString(), enLevel.ToString(), TS_UD_SC_CORE_version_Values.V2.ToString());
            this.rdpbcgrAdapter.Server_MCS_Connect_Response(enMethod, enLevel, TS_UD_SC_CORE_version_Values.V2, NegativeType.InvalidClientRequestedProtocols);

            this.TestSite.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Comment, "Expect SUT to drop the connection");
            bool bDisconnected = this.rdpbcgrAdapter.WaitForDisconnection(waitTime);
            this.TestSite.Assert.IsTrue(bDisconnected, "SUT should drop the connection when the Client Requested protocol is invalid.");