CustomFontRenderingForm.FontInfo.makeLua C# (CSharp) Method

makeLua() public method

public makeLua ( string indent ) : string
indent string
return string
        public string makeLua(string indent)
            string indent2 = indent + "\t";
            string indent3 = indent + "\t\t";
            string indent4 = indent + "\t\t\t";

            string json = indent + "[\"" + fontSize + "\"] = {\n"
                + indent2 + "lineHeight = " + lineHeight + ",\n"
                + indent2 + "firstAdjust = " + firstAdjust + ",\n"
                + indent2 + "characters = {\n";

            // Reflection is pretty dope!
            int count = 0;
            foreach (CharacterInfo info in characters)
                string line = indent3 + "[\"" + (byte)info.character + "\"] = { ";
                FieldInfo[] fields = typeof(CharacterInfo).GetFields();
                int count2 = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < fields.Length; i++)
                    FieldInfo f = fields[i];
                    string prop = f.Name;
                    if (prop != "character")
                        object value = f.GetValue(info);
                        line += prop + " = " + value + (count2 < (fields.Length - 1) ? ", " : " ");
                line += "}" + (count < characters.Count ? ",\n" : "\n");
                json += line;
            json += indent2 + "},\n" + indent2 + "kerning = {\n";

            count = 0;
            foreach (KeyValuePair<char, Dictionary<char, KerningInfo>> kvp in kerning)
                int count2 = 0;
                string line = indent3 + "[\"" + (byte)kvp.Key + "\"] = {\n";
                foreach (KeyValuePair<char, KerningInfo> kvp2 in kvp.Value)
                    KerningInfo info = kvp2.Value;
                    line += indent4 + "[\"" + (byte)info.character2 + "\"] = { "
                        + "kernX = " + info.kernX
                        + ", kernY = " + info.kernY + " }"
                        + (count2 < kvp.Value.Count ? "," : "") + "\n";
                line += indent3 + "}" + (count < kerning.Count ? "," : "") + "\n";
                json += line;
            json += indent2 + "}\n" + indent + "}";
            return json;

Usage Example

コード例 #1
        public void generateAtlases(string outputPath, int maxWidth, int maxHeight, bool genJSON, bool genRBXLua)
            int atlas = 0;
            int posX = 0, posY = 0;

            List<Bitmap> bitmaps = new List<Bitmap>();
            Dictionary<string, List<FontInfo>> infos = new Dictionary<string, List<FontInfo>>();

            Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(maxWidth, maxHeight, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
            Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap);

            foreach (Face face in faces)
                infos[face.StyleName] = new List<FontInfo>();
                for (int i = 0; i < sizes.Length; i++)
                    int size = sizes[i];
                    FontInfo info = new FontInfo(face.StyleName, size);

                    int width = 0;
                    int height = 0;
                    int lineHeight = 0;
                    int firstAdjust = 0;

                    face.SetPixelSizes((uint)size + extraSize, (uint)size + extraSize);

                    getKernWidthHeight(face, info, out width, out lineHeight, out firstAdjust);

                    if (width > maxWidth)
                        int overlaps = (int)Math.Truncate((float)(width / maxWidth));
                        width = maxWidth;
                        height = (overlaps + 1) * (lineHeight + padY);
                        width = maxWidth;
                        height = lineHeight + padY;

                    for (int j = 0; j < characters.Length; j++)
                        char character = characters[j];
                        uint index = face.GetCharIndex(character);
                        face.LoadGlyph(index, LoadFlags.Default, LoadTarget.Normal);

                        // case where the glyph won't fit horizontally
                        if (posX + face.Glyph.Metrics.Width + face.Glyph.BitmapLeft + padX > width)
                            posX = 0;
                            posY += lineHeight + padY;
                        // case where the glyph won't fit vertically
                        if (posY > maxHeight - (lineHeight + padY))

                            bitmap = new Bitmap(maxWidth, maxHeight, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
                            graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap);

                            posX = 0;
                            posY = 0;

                        // draw the character
                        posX += renderCharacter(face, characters[j], posX, posY, atlas, info, graphics) + padX;

                    // new font size means resetting some stuff
                    posX = 0;
                    posY += lineHeight + padY;

                    // set the info line height and first adjust
                    info.lineHeight = lineHeight;
                    info.firstAdjust = firstAdjust;

                    // add the info to the list

            // add the current bitmap

            // export
            int count = 0;
            foreach (Bitmap bmp in bitmaps)
                bmp.Save(outputPath + "\\" + family + "_" + count + ".png");

            // export data
            if (genJSON)
                int c = 0;
                string output = prepOutputDataJSON();
                foreach (Face face in faces)
                    output += "\t\t\"" + face.StyleName + "\" : {\n";
                    int c2 = 0;
                    foreach (FontInfo info in infos[face.StyleName])
                        output += info.makeJSON("\t\t\t") + (c2 < infos[face.StyleName].Count ? "," : "") + "\n";
                    output += "\t\t}" + (c < faces.Length ? "," : "") + "\n";
                output += "\t}\n}";
                // write json file
                File.WriteAllText(outputPath + "\\" + family + ".json", output);

            if (genRBXLua)
                int c = 0;
                string output = prepOutputDataLua();
                foreach (Face face in faces)
                    output += "\t\t[\"" + face.StyleName + "\"] = {\n";
                    int c2 = 0;
                    foreach (FontInfo info in infos[face.StyleName])
                        output += info.makeLua("\t\t\t") + (c2 < infos[face.StyleName].Count ? "," : "") + "\n";
                    output += "\t\t}" + (c < faces.Length ? "," : "") + "\n";
                output += "\t}\n}";

                // Setup module
                string header = "--[[\n\t@Font " + family + "\n";
                header += "\t@Sizes {" + string.Join(", ", sizes) + "}\n";
                header += "\t@Author N/A\n";
                header += "\t@Link N/A\n--]]\n\n";

                header += "local module = {}\n\n";
                header += "module.atlases = {\n";

                for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++)
                    header += "\t[" + i + "] = \"rbxassetid://\";\n";

                header += "};\n\nmodule.font = " + output;
                header += "\n\nreturn module";

                // write Lua file
                File.WriteAllText(outputPath + "\\" + family + ".lua", header);
All Usage Examples Of CustomFontRenderingForm.FontInfo::makeLua