CookComputing.XmlRpc.XmlRpcServiceInfo.GetXmlRpcType C# (CSharp) Method

GetXmlRpcType() public static method

public static GetXmlRpcType ( Type t ) : XmlRpcType
t System.Type
return XmlRpcType
        public static XmlRpcType GetXmlRpcType(Type t)
            XmlRpcType ret;
              if (t == typeof(Int32))
            ret = XmlRpcType.tInt32;
              else if (t == typeof(XmlRpcInt))
            ret = XmlRpcType.tInt32;
              else if (t == typeof(Boolean))
            ret = XmlRpcType.tBoolean;
              else if (t == typeof(XmlRpcBoolean))
            ret = XmlRpcType.tBoolean;
              else if (t == typeof(String))
            ret = XmlRpcType.tString;
              else if (t == typeof(Double))
            ret = XmlRpcType.tDouble;
              else if (t == typeof(XmlRpcDouble))
            ret = XmlRpcType.tDouble;
              else if (t == typeof(DateTime))
            ret = XmlRpcType.tDateTime;
              else if (t == typeof(XmlRpcDateTime))
            ret = XmlRpcType.tDateTime;
              else if (t == typeof(byte[]))
            ret = XmlRpcType.tBase64;
              else if (t == typeof(XmlRpcStruct))
            ret = XmlRpcType.tHashtable;
              else if (t == typeof(Array))
            ret = XmlRpcType.tArray;
              else if (t.IsArray)
            #if (!COMPACT_FRAMEWORK)
            Type elemType = t.GetElementType();
            if (elemType != typeof(Object)
              && GetXmlRpcType(elemType) == XmlRpcType.tInvalid)
              ret = XmlRpcType.tInvalid;
              if (t.GetArrayRank() == 1)  // single dim array
            ret = XmlRpcType.tArray;
            ret = XmlRpcType.tMultiDimArray;
            //!! check types of array elements if not Object[]
            Type elemType = null;
            string[] checkSingleDim = Regex.Split(t.FullName, "\\[\\]$");
            if (checkSingleDim.Length > 1)  // single dim array
              elemType = Type.GetType(checkSingleDim[0]);
              ret = XmlRpcType.tArray;
              string[] checkMultiDim = Regex.Split(t.FullName, "\\[,[,]*\\]$");
              if (checkMultiDim.Length > 1)
            elemType = Type.GetType(checkMultiDim[0]);
            ret = XmlRpcType.tMultiDimArray;
            ret = XmlRpcType.tInvalid;
            if (elemType != null)
              if (elemType != typeof(Object)
            && GetXmlRpcType(elemType) == XmlRpcType.tInvalid)
            ret = XmlRpcType.tInvalid;

            #if !FX1_0
              else if (t == typeof(int?))
            ret = XmlRpcType.tInt32;
              else if (t == typeof(Boolean?))
            ret = XmlRpcType.tBoolean;
              else if (t == typeof(Double?))
            ret = XmlRpcType.tDouble;
              else if (t == typeof(DateTime?))
            ret = XmlRpcType.tDateTime;
              else if (t == typeof(void))
            ret = XmlRpcType.tVoid;
              else if ((t.IsValueType && !t.IsPrimitive && !t.IsEnum)
            || t.IsClass)
            // if type is struct or class its only valid for XML-RPC mapping if all
            // its members have a valid mapping or are of type object which
            // maps to any XML-RPC type
            MemberInfo[] mis = t.GetMembers();
            foreach (MemberInfo mi in mis)
              if (mi.MemberType == MemberTypes.Field)
            FieldInfo fi = (FieldInfo)mi;
            if (fi.FieldType != typeof(Object)
              && GetXmlRpcType(fi.FieldType) == XmlRpcType.tInvalid)
              return XmlRpcType.tInvalid;
              else if (mi.MemberType == MemberTypes.Property)
            PropertyInfo pi = (PropertyInfo)mi;
            if (pi.PropertyType != typeof(Object)
              && GetXmlRpcType(pi.PropertyType) == XmlRpcType.tInvalid)
              return XmlRpcType.tInvalid;
            ret = XmlRpcType.tStruct;
            ret = XmlRpcType.tInvalid;
              return ret;

Usage Example

コード例 #1
 public override void Add(object key, object value)
     if (!(key is string))
         throw new ArgumentException("XmlRpcStruct key must be a string.");
     if (XmlRpcServiceInfo.GetXmlRpcType(value.GetType())
         == XmlRpcType.tInvalid)
         throw new ArgumentException(String.Format(
                                         "Type {0} cannot be mapped to an XML-RPC type", value.GetType()));
     base.Add(key, value);
All Usage Examples Of CookComputing.XmlRpc.XmlRpcServiceInfo::GetXmlRpcType