BuildingCoder.CmdNewTextNote.Execute C# (CSharp) Method

Execute() public method

public Execute ( ExternalCommandData commandData, string &message, ElementSet elements ) : System.Result
commandData ExternalCommandData
message string
elements ElementSet
return System.Result
        public Result Execute(
            ExternalCommandData commandData,
            ref string message,
            ElementSet elements)
            Result commandResult = Result.Succeeded;

            UIApplication uiApp = commandData.Application;
            UIDocument uiDoc = uiApp.ActiveUIDocument;
            Document dbDoc = uiDoc.Document;
            View view = uiDoc.ActiveGraphicalView;

            XYZ pLoc = XYZ.Zero;

              pLoc = uiDoc.Selection.PickPoint(
            "Please pick text insertion point" );
            catch( Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions.OperationCanceledException )
              Debug.WriteLine( "Operation cancelled." );
              message = "Operation cancelled.";

              return Result.Succeeded;

            List<TextNoteType> noteTypeList
              = new FilteredElementCollector( dbDoc )
            .OfClass( typeof( TextNoteType ) )

            // Sort note types into ascending text size

            BuiltInParameter bipTextSize
              = BuiltInParameter.TEXT_SIZE;

            noteTypeList.Sort( ( a, b )
              => a.get_Parameter( bipTextSize ).AsDouble()
              b.get_Parameter( bipTextSize ).AsDouble() ) );

            foreach( TextNoteType textType in noteTypeList )
              Debug.WriteLine( textType.Name );

              Parameter paramTextFont
            = textType.get_Parameter(
              BuiltInParameter.TEXT_FONT );

              Parameter paramTextSize
            = textType.get_Parameter(
              BuiltInParameter.TEXT_SIZE );

              Parameter paramBorderSize
            = textType.get_Parameter(
              BuiltInParameter.LEADER_OFFSET_SHEET );

              Parameter paramTextBold
            = textType.get_Parameter(
              BuiltInParameter.TEXT_STYLE_BOLD );

              Parameter paramTextItalic
            = textType.get_Parameter(
              BuiltInParameter.TEXT_STYLE_ITALIC );

              Parameter paramTextUnderline
            = textType.get_Parameter(
              BuiltInParameter.TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE );

              Parameter paramTextWidthScale
            = textType.get_Parameter(
              BuiltInParameter.TEXT_WIDTH_SCALE );

              string fontName = paramTextFont.AsString();

              double textHeight = paramTextSize.AsDouble();

              bool textBold = paramTextBold.AsInteger() == 1
            ? true : false;

              bool textItalic = paramTextItalic.AsInteger() == 1
            ? true : false;

              bool textUnderline = paramTextUnderline.AsInteger() == 1
            ? true : false;

              double textBorder = paramBorderSize.AsDouble();

              double textWidthScale = paramTextWidthScale.AsDouble();

              FontStyle textStyle = FontStyle.Regular;

              if( textBold )
            textStyle |= FontStyle.Bold;

              if( textItalic )
            textStyle |= FontStyle.Italic;

              if( textUnderline )
            textStyle |= FontStyle.Underline;

              float fontHeightInch = (float) textHeight * 12.0f;
              float displayDpiX = GetDpiX();

              float fontDpi = 96.0f;
              float pointSize = (float) ( textHeight * 12.0 * fontDpi );

              Font font = new Font( fontName, pointSize, textStyle );

              int viewScale = view.Scale;

              using( Transaction t = new Transaction( dbDoc ) )
            t.Start( "Test TextNote lineWidth calculation" );

            string textString = textType.Name
              + " (" + fontName + " "
              + ( textHeight * 304.8 ).ToString( "0.##" ) + "mm, "
              + textStyle.ToString() + ", "
              + ( textWidthScale * 100.0 ).ToString( "0.##" )
              + "%): The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.";

            double stringWidthPx = GetStringWidth( textString, font );

            double stringWidthIn = stringWidthPx / displayDpiX;

            Debug.WriteLine( "String Width in pixels: "
              + stringWidthPx.ToString( "F3" ) );
            Debug.WriteLine( ( stringWidthIn * 25.4 * viewScale ).ToString( "F3" )
              + " mm at 1:" + viewScale.ToString() );

            double stringWidthFt = stringWidthIn / 12.0;

            double lineWidth = ( ( stringWidthFt * textWidthScale )
              + ( textBorder * 2.0 ) ) * viewScale;

            //TextNote textNote = dbDoc.Create.NewTextNote(
            //  view, pLoc, XYZ.BasisX, XYZ.BasisY, 0.001,
            //  TextAlignFlags.TEF_ALIGN_LEFT
            //  | TextAlignFlags.TEF_ALIGN_TOP, textString ); // 2015
            //textNote.TextNoteType = textType; // 2015

            TextNote textNote = TextNote.Create( dbDoc,
              view.Id, pLoc, textString, textType.Id); // 2016

            textNote.Width = lineWidth;


              // Place next text note below this one with 5 mm gap

              pLoc += view.UpDirection.Multiply(
            ( textHeight + ( 5.0 / 304.8 ) )
              * viewScale ).Negate();
              catch( Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions.ExternalApplicationException e )
            message = e.Message;
            Debug.WriteLine( "Exception Encountered (Application)\n"
              + e.Message + "\nStack Trace: " + e.StackTrace );

            commandResult = Result.Failed;
              catch( Exception e )
            message = e.Message;
            Debug.WriteLine( "Exception Encountered (General)\n"
              + e.Message + "\nStack Trace: " + e.StackTrace );

            commandResult = Result.Failed;
              return commandResult;