BuildingCoder.CmdNewLightingFixture.Execute C# (CSharp) Method

Execute() public method

public Execute ( ExternalCommandData commandData, string &message, ElementSet elements ) : System.Result
commandData ExternalCommandData
message string
elements ElementSet
return System.Result
        public Result Execute(
            ExternalCommandData commandData,
            ref string message,
            ElementSet elements)
            UIApplication uiapp = commandData.Application;
              UIDocument uidoc = uiapp.ActiveUIDocument;
              Application app = uiapp.Application;
              Document doc = uidoc.Document;

              // Get a lighting fixture family symbol:

              FilteredElementCollector symbols
            = Util.GetElementsOfType( doc,
              typeof( FamilySymbol ),
              BuiltInCategory.OST_LightingFixtures );

              FamilySymbol sym = symbols.FirstElement()
            as FamilySymbol;

              if( null == sym )
            message = "No lighting fixture symbol found.";
            return Result.Failed;

              // Pick the ceiling:

            #if _2010
            = "Please select ceiling to host lighting fixture";


              Element ceiling = null;

              foreach( Element e in uidoc.Selection.Elements )
            ceiling = e as Element;
            #endif // _2010

              Reference r = uidoc.Selection.PickObject(
            "Please select ceiling to host lighting fixture" );

              if( null == r )
            message = "Nothing selected.";
            return Result.Failed;

              // 'Autodesk.Revit.DB.Reference.Element' is
              // obsolete: Property will be removed. Use
              // Document.GetElement(Reference) instead.
              //Element ceiling = r.Element; // 2011

              Element ceiling = doc.GetElement( r ) as Wall; // 2012

              // Get the level 1:

              Level level = Util.GetFirstElementOfTypeNamed(
            doc, typeof( Level ), "Level 1" ) as Level;

              if( null == level )
            message = "Level 1 not found.";
            return Result.Failed;

              // Create the family instance:

              XYZ p = app.Create.NewXYZ( -43, 28, 0 );

              using ( Transaction t = new Transaction( doc ) )
            t.Start( "Place New Lighting Fixture Instance" );

            FamilyInstance instLight
              = doc.Create.NewFamilyInstance(
            p, sym, ceiling, level,
            StructuralType.NonStructural );

              return Result.Succeeded;