Azavea.NijPredictivePolicing.ACSAlchemistLibrary.Transfer.AcsDataManager.ExportGriddedShapefile C# (CSharp) Method

ExportGriddedShapefile() public method

Retrieves the contents of the specified table, and writes them to a shapefile
public ExportGriddedShapefile ( string tableName ) : bool
tableName string
return bool
        public bool ExportGriddedShapefile(string tableName)
                _log.DebugFormat("Retrieving contents of job {0}", tableName);
                //don't filter out geometries, we'll do that at the cell level
                var exportFeatures = GetShapeFeaturesToExport(tableName, false);
                if ((exportFeatures == null) || (exportFeatures.Count == 0))
                    _log.ErrorFormat("Export of Job \"{0}\" failed, no features to export!", tableName);
                    return false;

                ICoordinateSystem outputCrs = GeographicCoordinateSystem.WGS84;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.OutputProjectionFilename))
                    outputCrs = Utilities.GetCoordinateSystemByWKTFile(this.OutputProjectionFilename);

                //if we need to reproject:
                List<IGeometry> filteringGeoms = GetFilteringGeometries(this.ExportFilterFilename, outputCrs);

                //put everything into a basic spatial index
                Envelope env = new Envelope();
                var index = new GisSharpBlog.NetTopologySuite.Index.Strtree.STRtree();
                for (int i = 0; i < exportFeatures.Count; i++)
                    Feature f = exportFeatures[i];
                    index.Insert(f.Geometry.EnvelopeInternal, f);
                if (IsCancelled()) { _log.Debug("Job Cancelled..."); return false; }

                //adjust envelope to only scan area inside filtering geometries
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.GridEnvelopeFilename))
                    //a specified envelope file overrides the envelope of the filtering geometries
                    env = GetGridEnvelope();
                else if ((filteringGeoms != null) && (filteringGeoms.Count > 0))
                    //in the absence ... //TODO: finish--
                    env = new Envelope();
                    for (int i = 0; i < filteringGeoms.Count; i++)

                //progress tracking
                DateTime start = DateTime.Now, lastCheck = DateTime.Now;
                int lastProgress = 0;

                var features = new List<Feature>(exportFeatures.Count);

                double cellWidth = GridCellWidth;
                double cellHeight = GridCellHeight;
                bool discardEmptyGridCells = !IncludeEmptyGridCells;

                int numRows = (int)Math.Ceiling(env.Height / cellHeight);
                int numCols = (int)Math.Ceiling(env.Width / cellWidth);
                int expectedCells = numRows * numCols;

                if (expectedCells > 1000000)
                    _log.Warn("Your selected area will produce a shapefile with over a million cells, is that a good idea?");
                    _log.WarnFormat("Area of {0}, Expected Cell Count of {1}", env.Area, expectedCells);

                DbaseFileHeader header = null;
                using (var conn = DbClient.GetConnection())
                    //Dictionary<string, DataRow> shapeDict = GetShapeRowsByLOGRECNO(conn);
                    var variablesDT = DataClient.GetMagicTable(conn, DbClient, string.Format("SELECT * FROM \"{0}\" where 0 = 1 ", tableName));
                    header = ShapefileHelper.SetupHeader(variablesDT);
                ShapefileHelper.AddColumn(header, "CELLID", typeof(string));
                ShapefileHelper.AddColumn(header, "GEOID", typeof(string));
                if (this.AddStrippedGEOIDcolumn)
                    ShapefileHelper.AddColumn(header, "GEOID_STRP", typeof(string));

                //lets not add these to the fishnet exports just yet
                //if (this.AddGeometryAttributesToOutput)
                //    ShapefileHelper.AddColumn(header, "AREA", typeof(double));
                //    ShapefileHelper.AddColumn(header, "PERIMETER", typeof(double));
                //    ShapefileHelper.AddColumn(header, "CENTROID", typeof(double));

                int cellCount = 0;
                int xidx = 0;
                for (double x = env.MinX; x < env.MaxX; x += cellWidth)
                    int yidx = 0;
                    for (double y = env.MinY; y < env.MaxY; y += cellHeight)
                        string cellID = string.Format("{0}_{1}", xidx, yidx);

                        Envelope cellEnv = new Envelope(x, x + cellWidth, y, y + cellHeight);
                        IGeometry cellCenter = new Point(cellEnv.Centre);
                        IGeometry cellGeom = Utilities.IEnvToIGeometry(cellEnv);

                        Feature found = null;
                        IList mightMatch = index.Query(cellGeom.EnvelopeInternal);
                        foreach (Feature f in mightMatch)
                            if (f.Geometry.Contains(cellCenter))
                                found = f;

                        if ((found == null) && (discardEmptyGridCells))
                            //_log.DebugFormat("No feature found for cell {0}", cellID);

                        //if we have filtering geometries, skip a cell if it isn't included
                        if (!IsIncluded(cellGeom, filteringGeoms))

                        if ((cellCount % 1000) == 0)
                            int step = (int)((((double)cellCount) / ((double)expectedCells)) * 100.0);
                            TimeSpan elapsed = (DateTime.Now - lastCheck);
                            if ((step != lastProgress) && (elapsed.TotalSeconds > 1))
                                _log.DebugFormat("{0:###.##}% complete, {1:#0.0#} seconds, {2} built, {3} checked, {4} left",
                                   step, (DateTime.Now - start).TotalSeconds,
                                   expectedCells - cellCount
                                lastCheck = DateTime.Now;
                                lastProgress = step;

                                if (IsCancelled()) { _log.Debug("Job Cancelled..."); return false; }

                        //this is a lot of work just to add an id...
                        AttributesTable attribs = new AttributesTable();
                        if (found != null)
                            //if (!found.Attributes.GetNames().Contains("GEOID"))
                            //    throw new Exception("GEOID NOT FOUND!!!!");
                            foreach (string name in found.Attributes.GetNames())
                                attribs.AddAttribute(name, found.Attributes[name]);
                            attribs.AddAttribute("CELLID", cellID);
                            foreach (var field in header.Fields)
                                attribs.AddAttribute(field.Name, null);
                            attribs["CELLID"] = cellID;

                        features.Add(new Feature(cellGeom, attribs));
                _log.Debug("Done building cells, Saving Shapefile...");
                header.NumRecords = features.Count;

                if (features.Count == 0)
                    _log.Error("No features found, exiting!");
                    return false;

                string newShapefilename = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, tableName);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(OutputFolder))
                    newShapefilename = Path.Combine(OutputFolder, tableName);

                if (IsCancelled()) { _log.Debug("Job Cancelled..."); return false; }
                var writer = new ShapefileDataWriter(newShapefilename, ShapefileHelper.GetGeomFactory());
                writer.Header = header;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.OutputProjectionFilename))
                    //Reproject everything in this file to the requested projection...
                    ShapefileHelper.MakeOutputProjFile(this.OutputProjectionFilename, newShapefilename);

                _log.Debug("Done! Shapefile exported successfully");
                return true;
            catch (FileNotFoundException notFound)
                string msg = "A needed file couldn't be found: " + notFound.FileName;
                _log.Fatal("The export cannot continue.  Exiting...");
                throw new ApplicationException(msg);
            catch (Exception ex)
                _log.Error("Error while exporting shapefile", ex);
            return false;

Usage Example

コード例 #1
ファイル: ImportJob.cs プロジェクト: azavea/acs-alchemist
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs our main 'lifecycle'
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool ExecuteJob()
            _manager = null; _cancelled = false;

            if (IsCancelled()) { _log.Debug("Job Cancelled..."); return false; }

            DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(DisplaySummaryLevels))
                    Utilities.DisplayEnum<BoundaryLevels>("Summary Levels:", "{1} - {0}",
                        new HashSet<string>(new string[] { "None" })
                    return true;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(DisplayStateCodes))
                    Utilities.DisplayEnumKeysOnly("State Codes:", typeof(AcsState),
                        //Do not display internal control value
                        new HashSet<string>(new string[] { "None" })
                    return true;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ListYears))
                    var years = Settings.LoadYearConfigs();
                    //_log.DebugFormat("I found {0} year config files ", years.Count);
                    _log.InfoFormat("I found {0} years available:", years.Count);
                    foreach (var key in years.Keys)
                        //_log.DebugFormat("{0} - {1}", key, years[key].GetFilename());

                        _log.InfoFormat(" * {0} ", key);
                    _log.InfoFormat(Environment.NewLine + "Done!");
                    return true;

                if (this.State == AcsState.None)
                    _log.Error("Invalid State selected, please select a state from the list and try again.");
                    return false;

                if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.JobName)) || (this.JobName == true.ToString()))
                    this.JobName = string.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}", this.Year, this.State, DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString().Replace('/', '_'));
                    _log.DebugFormat("Jobname was empty, using {0}", this.JobName);

                WorkingFolder = FileUtilities.CleanPath(WorkingFolder);
                var manager = new AcsDataManager(this.State, WorkingFolder, this.Year);
                this._manager = manager;
                manager.WorkOffline = this.WorkOffline;
                //TODO: check for bad combinations of inputs
                manager.SummaryLevel = this.SummaryLevel;
                manager.ExportFilterFilename = this.ExportFilterShapefile;
                manager.DesiredVariablesFilename = IncludedVariableFile;
                manager.ReusePreviousJobTable = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.ReusePreviousJobTable));
                manager.OutputProjectionFilename = this.OutputProjection;
                manager.PreserveJam = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.PreserveJam));
                manager.AddStrippedGEOIDcolumn = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.AddStrippedGEOIDcolumn));
                manager.AddGeometryAttributesToOutput = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.AddGeometryAttributesToOutput));
                manager.OutputFolder = FileUtilities.CleanPath(OutputFolder);
                manager.IncludeEmptyGridCells = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.IncludeEmptyGridCells));

                if (FileUtilities.SafePathEnsure(OutputFolder) != OutputFolder)
                    _log.ErrorFormat("Unable to set or create output folder, ( {0} ) exiting", OutputFolder);
                    _log.FatalFormat("Unable to set or create output folder, ( {0} ) exiting", OutputFolder);
                    return false;

                if (IsCancelled()) { _log.Debug("Job Cancelled..."); return false; }

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.OutputProjection))

                _log.Info("   Loading Prerequisites...");

                bool hasPrerequesites = true;
                hasPrerequesites &= !IsCancelled() && manager.CheckColumnMappingsFile();
                hasPrerequesites &= !IsCancelled() && manager.CheckCensusAggregatedDataFile();
                hasPrerequesites &= !IsCancelled() && manager.CheckDatabase();
                hasPrerequesites &= !IsCancelled() && manager.CheckShapefiles();

                if (!hasPrerequesites)
                    _log.Info("Loading Prerequisites... Failed!");
                    _log.Error("Import cannot continue, one or more prerequisites failed!");
                    return false;
                _log.Debug("Loading Prerequisites... Done!\r\n");
                if (IsCancelled()) { _log.Debug("Job Cancelled..."); return false; }

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(IncludedVariableFile) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.JobName))
                    _log.Info("   Importing requested variables...    ");

                    if (!manager.CheckBuildVariableTable(this.JobName))
                        _log.Error("Importing requested variables... Failed! A problem was detected, exiting.");
                        return false;
                        _log.Debug("Importing requested variables... Done!");
                if (IsCancelled()) { _log.Debug("Job Cancelled..."); return false; }

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ExportToShapefile))
                    _log.Info("   Exporting to shapefile... ");

                    if (!manager.ExportShapefile(this.JobName))
                        _log.Error("There was an error while exporting the shapefile");

                        _log.Debug("\r\nExporting to shapefile... Failed!");
                        _log.Debug("Exporting to shapefile... Done!");
                    _log.Debug("\r\n/****  No shapefile export requested ****/\r\n");
                if (IsCancelled()) { _log.Debug("Job Cancelled..."); return false; }

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ExportToGrid))
                    _log.Info("   Exporting to gridded shapefile...");

                    manager.GridEnvelopeFilename = GridEnvelope;

                    _log.DebugFormat("Exporting all requested variables to fishnet shapefile with grid cell size {0} ", ExportToGrid);

                    _log.Debug("Exporting to gridded shapefile... Done!");
                    _log.Debug("\r\n/****  No gridded shapefile export requested ****/\r\n");


                return true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                _log.Error("Error thrown during import job ", ex);
                _log.Fatal("Please see the errors log file for details");
                TimeSpan elapsed = DateTime.Now - startTime;
                if (IsCancelled())
                    _log.DebugFormat("Job was cancelled and stopped at {0} seconds", elapsed.TotalSeconds);
                    _log.DebugFormat("Job completed in {0} seconds", elapsed.TotalSeconds);

            return false;