AndroidPlusPlus.Common.GdbServer.Start C# (CSharp) Method

Start() public method

public Start ( ) : void
return void
        public void Start()
            LoggingUtils.PrintFunction ();

              // Check the target 'gdbserver' binary exits on target device/emulator.

              string gdbServerPath = string.Empty;

              List<string> potentialGdbServerPaths = new List<string> ();

              foreach (string libraryPath in m_gdbSetup.Process.NativeLibraryAbiPaths)
            potentialGdbServerPaths.Add (string.Format ("{0}/gdbserver", libraryPath));

              potentialGdbServerPaths.Add (string.Format ("{0}/gdbserver", m_gdbSetup.Process.NativeLibraryPath));

              foreach (string path in potentialGdbServerPaths)
            using (SyncRedirectProcess checkGdbServer = AndroidAdb.AdbCommand (m_gdbSetup.Process.HostDevice, "shell", "ls " + path))
              int exitCode = checkGdbServer.StartAndWaitForExit (1000);

              if ((exitCode == 0) && !checkGdbServer.StandardOutput.ToLower ().Contains ("no such file"))
            gdbServerPath = path;


              if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (gdbServerPath))
            // TODO: Push the required gdbserver binary, so we can attach to any app.
            throw new InvalidOperationException (string.Format ("Failed to locate required 'gdbserver' binary on device ({0}).", m_gdbSetup.Process.HostDevice.ID));

              KillActiveGdbServerSessions ();

              // Construct a adaptive command line based on GdbSetup requirements.

              StringBuilder commandLineArgumentsBuilder = new StringBuilder ();

              commandLineArgumentsBuilder.AppendFormat ("run-as {0} {1} ", m_gdbSetup.Process.Name, gdbServerPath);

              if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (m_gdbSetup.Socket))
            commandLineArgumentsBuilder.AppendFormat ("+{0} ", m_gdbSetup.Socket);

              commandLineArgumentsBuilder.Append ("--attach ");

              if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (m_gdbSetup.Socket)) // Don't need a host if we have a bound socket?
            commandLineArgumentsBuilder.AppendFormat ("{0}:{1} ", m_gdbSetup.Host, m_gdbSetup.Port);

              commandLineArgumentsBuilder.Append (m_gdbSetup.Process.Pid);

              // Launch 'gdbserver' and wait for output to determine success.

              Stopwatch waitForConnectionTimer = new Stopwatch ();

              waitForConnectionTimer.Start ();

              m_gdbServerAttached = new ManualResetEvent (false);

              m_gdbServerInstance = AndroidAdb.AdbCommandAsync (m_gdbSetup.Process.HostDevice, "shell", commandLineArgumentsBuilder.ToString ());

              m_gdbServerInstance.Start (this);

              LoggingUtils.Print (string.Format ("[GdbServer] Waiting to attach..."));

              uint timeout = 5000;

              bool responseSignaled = false;

              while ((!responseSignaled) && (waitForConnectionTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds < timeout))
            responseSignaled = m_gdbServerAttached.WaitOne (0);

            if (!responseSignaled)
              Thread.Sleep (100);

              if (!responseSignaled)
            throw new TimeoutException ("Timed out waiting for GdbServer to execute.");