WFA_psychometric_chart.Form1_main.GetDataFromWeb C# (CSharp) Method

GetDataFromWeb() public method

This return the different values such as temperatue ,humidity and other parameters.
public GetDataFromWeb ( double latValue, double longValue ) : void
latValue double Latitude
longValue double Longitude
return void
        public void GetDataFromWeb(double latValue, double longValue)

            * 0.pull the lat and long value stored in the database
            * 1.pull the data form web 
            * 2.Parse the xml data
            * 3.insert data
            * 4.display data

                //lets pull the vales offline values stored in db...  

                //string connString = @"Data Source=" + databaseFile + ";Version=3;";

                lat_val = latValue;//store_station_list[index_for_station_selected].lat;
                lng_val = longValue; //store_station_list[index_for_station_selected].lng;
                                     //display lat lng...
                                     //MessageBox.Show("lat= "+lat_val+" lng = "+lng_val);
                using (var wc = new WebClient())
                    // var json = await httpClient.GetStringAsync(api_url);

                    // double station_id = store_station_list[index_for_station_selected].id;
                    //MessageBox.Show("lat = " + lat_val + "lng = " + lng_val);
                    string api_url = "" + lat_val + "&lon=" + lng_val + "&appid=615afd606af791f572a1f92b27a68bcd";
                    //string api_url = ""+station_id+"&APPID=615afd606af791f572a1f92b27a68bcd";

                    var data = wc.DownloadString(api_url);
                    //  MessageBox.Show("string apic return =" + data);
                    string xml_string = data.ToString();

                    //xml parsing...
                    XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument();

                    XmlNodeList elem_city = xml.GetElementsByTagName("city");
                    foreach (XmlNode x in elem_city)
                        city_name_pulled = x.Attributes["name"].Value;
                        // MessageBox.Show("city name = " + city_name_pulled);
                    //for temperature
                    XmlNodeList temp_list = xml.GetElementsByTagName("temperature");
                    foreach (XmlNode x in temp_list)
                        temp_pulled = x.Attributes["value"].Value;
                        //      MessageBox.Show("temp  = " + temp_pulled);
                    //for humidity
                    XmlNodeList hum_list = xml.GetElementsByTagName("humidity");
                    foreach (XmlNode x in hum_list)
                        hum_pulled = x.Attributes["value"].Value;
                        //MessageBox.Show("hum  = " + hum_pulled);
                    //for pressure..
                    XmlNodeList pressure_list = xml.GetElementsByTagName("pressure");
                    foreach (XmlNode x in pressure_list)
                        pressure_pulled = x.Attributes["value"].Value;
                        //MessageBox.Show("press = " + pressure_pulled);
                    //for wind 

                    XmlNodeList wind_list = xml.GetElementsByTagName("speed");
                    foreach (XmlNode x in wind_list)
                        wind_speed_pulled = x.Attributes["value"].Value;
                        //   MessageBox.Show("wind speed = " + wind_speed_pulled);
                    //for direction..
                    XmlNodeList direction_list = xml.GetElementsByTagName("direction");
                    foreach (XmlNode x in direction_list)
                        direction_pulled = x.Attributes["name"].Value;
                        // MessageBox.Show("direction name = " + direction_pulled);
                    //for lat and long of station...
                    XmlNodeList coord_list = xml.GetElementsByTagName("coord");
                    foreach (XmlNode x in coord_list)
                        lat_pulled = x.Attributes["lat"].Value;
                        long_pulled = x.Attributes["lon"].Value;

                        // MessageBox.Show("lat = " + lat_pulled +"long" +long_pulled);
                    //for last date update time 
                    XmlNodeList last_update_list = xml.GetElementsByTagName("lastupdate");
                    foreach (XmlNode x in last_update_list)
                        last_update_pulled = x.Attributes["value"].Value;
                        // MessageBox.Show("last update date = " + last_update_pulled);

                    //for country..
                    XmlNodeList country_list = xml.GetElementsByTagName("country");
                    foreach (XmlNode x in country_list)
                        country_name_pulled = x.InnerText;
                        //  MessageBox.Show("country name = " + country_name_pulled);

                    //step3. insert the values pulled into a database..

                    string loc_value = "";
                    double d = 0.0000;
                    double temp_adjust = double.Parse(temp_pulled.ToString()) - 273.15;
                    temp_pulled_from_web = temp_adjust;//This is the temperature in deg celcius,while temp_pulled is in kelvin

                    double R = 6371.0;//radius of earth in Km
                    double dlon = double.Parse(long_pulled.ToString()) - lng_val;
                    double dlat = double.Parse(lat_pulled.ToString()) - lat_val;
                    double a = Math.Pow((Math.Sin(dlat / 2)), 2) + Math.Cos(lat_val) * Math.Cos(double.Parse(lat_pulled.ToString())) * Math.Pow((Math.Sin(dlon / 2)), 2);
                    double c = 2 * Math.Atan2(Math.Sqrt(a), Math.Sqrt(1 - a));
                    d = R * c;//This is the distance
                    loc_value = country_name_pulled + "," + city_name_pulled;
                    //lets check a simple thing if the index is pressent then update else insert the data...

                    /*steps.. count the number of items in a column 
                     1.if the count is less than the index_selected then update else insert

                    lb_web_status.Text = "active";
                    // MessageBox.Show("success !");

            catch (Exception ex)
                //The device is offline and so need to be made inactive 
                lb_web_status.Text = "inactive";
                return;//also return from the current process


        } //Close of the main function 