BuildingCoder.CmdTransformedCoords.Execute C# (CSharp) Method

Execute() public method

Sample file is at C:\a\j\adn\case\bsd\1242980\attach\mullion.rvt
public Execute ( ExternalCommandData commandData, string &message, ElementSet elements ) : System.Result
commandData ExternalCommandData
message string
elements ElementSet
return System.Result
        public Result Execute(
            ExternalCommandData commandData,
            ref string message,
            ElementSet elements)
            UIApplication app = commandData.Application;
              UIDocument uidoc = app.ActiveUIDocument;
              Document doc = app.ActiveUIDocument.Document;
              Selection sel = uidoc.Selection;

              Options options = app.Application.Create.NewGeometryOptions();
              string s, msg = string.Empty;
              int n;
              foreach( ElementId id in sel.GetElementIds() )
            Mullion mullion = doc.GetElement( id )
              as Mullion;

            if( null != mullion )
              //Location location = mullion.AsFamilyInstance.Location; // seems to be uninitialised // 2011

              Location location = mullion.Location; // 2012

              LocationPoint lp
            = mullion.Location
              as LocationPoint;

              Debug.Assert( null != lp,
            "expected a valid mullion location point" );

              Debug.Assert( null != mullion.LocationCurve, // 2012
            "in Revit 2012, the mullion also has a valid location curve" ); // 2012

              GeometryElement geoElem
            = mullion.get_Geometry( options );

              //GeometryObjectArray objects = geoElem.Objects; // 2012
              //n = objects.Size; // 2012

              n = geoElem.Count<GeometryObject>(); // 2013

              s = string.Format(
            "Mullion <{0} {1}> at {2} rotation"
            + " {3} has {4} geo object{5}:",
            mullion.Name, mullion.Id.IntegerValue,
            Util.PointString( lp.Point ),
            Util.RealString( lp.Rotation ),
            n, Util.PluralSuffix( n ) );

              if( 0 < msg.Length ) { msg += "\n\n"; }
              msg += s;

              //foreach( GeometryObject obj in objects ) // 2012

              foreach( GeometryObject obj in geoElem ) // 2013
            GeometryInstance inst = obj as GeometryInstance;
            Transform t = inst.Transform;

            s = "  Transform " + Util.TransformString( t );
            msg += "\n" + s;

            GeometryElement elem2 = inst.SymbolGeometry;

            //foreach( GeometryObject obj2 in elem2.Objects ) // 2012

            foreach( GeometryObject obj2 in elem2 ) // 2013
              Solid solid = obj2 as Solid;
              if( null != solid )
                FaceArray faces = solid.Faces;
                n = faces.Size;

                s = string.Format(
                  "  {0} face{1}, face point > WCS point:",
                  n, Util.PluralSuffix( n ) );

                msg += "\n" + s;

                foreach( Face face in solid.Faces )
                  s = string.Empty;
                  Mesh mesh = face.Triangulate();
                  foreach( XYZ p in mesh.Vertices )
                    s += ( 0 == s.Length ) ? "    " : ", ";
                    s += string.Format( "{0} > {1}",
                      Util.PointString( p ),
                      Util.PointString( t.OfPoint( p ) ) );
                  msg += "\n" + s;
              if( 0 == msg.Length )
            msg = "Please select some mullions.";
              Util.InfoMsg( msg );
              return Result.Failed;