BuildingCoder.CmdProjectParameterGuids.Execute C# (CSharp) Method

Execute() public method

public Execute ( ExternalCommandData commandData, string &message, ElementSet elements ) : System.Result
commandData ExternalCommandData
message string
elements ElementSet
return System.Result
        public Result Execute(
            ExternalCommandData commandData,
            ref string message,
            ElementSet elements)
            UIApplication uiapp = commandData.Application;
              UIDocument uidoc = uiapp.ActiveUIDocument;
              Document doc = uidoc.Document;

              if( doc.IsFamilyDocument )
            message = "The document must be a project document.";
            return Result.Failed;

              // Get the (singleton) element that is the
              // ProjectInformation object.  It can only have
              // instance parameters bound to it, and it is
              // always guaranteed to exist.

              Element projectInfoElement
            = new FilteredElementCollector( doc )
              .OfCategory( BuiltInCategory.OST_ProjectInformation )

              // Get the first wall type element.  It can only
              // have type parameters bound to it, and there is
              // always guaranteed to be at least one of these.

              Element firstWallTypeElement
            = new FilteredElementCollector( doc )
              .OfCategory( BuiltInCategory.OST_Walls )

              CategorySet categories = null;
              Parameter foundParameter = null;

              // Get the list of information about all project
              // parameters, calling our helper method, below.

              List<ProjectParameterData> projectParametersData
            = GetProjectParameterData( doc );

              // In order to be able to query whether or not a
              // project parameter is shared or not, and if it
              // is shared then what it's GUID is, we must ensure
              // it exists in the Parameters collection of an
              // element.
              // This is because we cannot query this information
              // directly from the project parameter bindings
              // object.
              // So each project parameter will attempt to be
              // temporarily bound to a known object so a
              // Parameter object created from it will exist
              // and can be queried for this additional
              // information.

              foreach( ProjectParameterData projectParameterData
            in projectParametersData )
            if( projectParameterData.Definition != null )
              categories = projectParameterData.Binding.Categories;
              if( !categories.Contains( projectInfoElement.Category ) )
            // This project parameter is not already
            // bound to the ProjectInformation category,
            // so we must temporarily bind it so we can
            // query that object for it.

            using( Transaction tempTransaction
              = new Transaction( doc ) )
              tempTransaction.Start( "Temporary" );

              // Try to bind the project parameter do
              // the project information category,
              // calling our helper method, below.

              if( AddProjectParameterBinding(
                doc, projectParameterData,
                projectInfoElement.Category ) )
                // successfully bound
                  = projectInfoElement.get_Parameter(
                    projectParameterData.Definition );

                if( foundParameter == null )
                  // Must be a shared type parameter,
                  // which the API reports that it binds
                  // to the project information category
                  // via the API, but doesn't ACTUALLY
                  // bind to the project information
                  // category.  (Sheesh!)

                  // So we must use a different, type
                  // based object known to exist, and
                  // try again.

                  if( !categories.Contains(
                    firstWallTypeElement.Category ) )
                    // Add it to walls category as we
                    // did with project info for the
                    // others, calling our helper
                    // method, below.

                    if( AddProjectParameterBinding(
                      doc, projectParameterData,
                      firstWallTypeElement.Category ) )
                      // Successfully bound
                        = firstWallTypeElement.get_Parameter(
                          projectParameterData.Definition );
                    // The project parameter was already
                    // bound to the Walls category.
                      = firstWallTypeElement.get_Parameter(
                        projectParameterData.Definition );

                  if( foundParameter != null )
                      projectParameterData );
                    // Wouldn't bind to the walls
                    // category or wasn't found when
                    // already bound.
                    // This should probably never happen?

                      = false;  // Throw exception?
                  // Found the correct parameter
                  // instance on the Project
                  // Information object, so use it.

                    projectParameterData );
                // The API reports it couldn't bind
                // the parameter to the ProjectInformation
                // category.
                // This only happens with non-shared
                // Project parameters, which have no
                // GUID anyway.

                projectParameterData.IsShared = false;
                projectParameterData.IsSharedStatusKnown = true;
            // The project parameter was already bound
            // to the Project Information category.

              = projectInfoElement.get_Parameter(
                projectParameterData.Definition );

            if( foundParameter != null )
                foundParameter, projectParameterData );
              // This will probably never happen.

                = false;  // Throw exception?

            }  // Whether or not the Definition object could be found

              }  // For each original project parameter definition

              StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

              // Build column headers

              sb.AppendLine( "PARAMETER NAME\tIS SHARED?\tGUID" );

              // Add each row.

              foreach( ProjectParameterData projectParameterData
            in projectParametersData )
            sb.Append( projectParameterData.Name );
            sb.Append( "\t" );

            if( projectParameterData.IsSharedStatusKnown )
              sb.Append( projectParameterData.IsShared.ToString() );
              sb.Append( "<Unknown>" );

            if( projectParameterData.IsSharedStatusKnown &&
            projectParameterData.IsShared )
              sb.Append( "\t" );
              sb.Append( projectParameterData.GUID );

              System.Windows.Clipboard.SetText( sb.ToString() );

              TaskDialog resultsDialog = new TaskDialog(
            "Results are in the Clipboard" );

            = "Results are in the Clipboard";

            = "Paste the clipboard into a spreadsheet "
              + "program to see the results.";


              return Result.Succeeded;