BuildingCoder.CmdNewTextNote.Execute_1 C# (CSharp) Method

Execute_1() public method

public Execute_1 ( ExternalCommandData commandData, string &message, ElementSet elements ) : System.Result
commandData ExternalCommandData
message string
elements ElementSet
return System.Result
        public Result Execute_1(
            ExternalCommandData commandData,
            ref string message,
            ElementSet elements)
            UIApplication uiapp = commandData.Application;
              UIDocument uidoc = uiapp.ActiveUIDocument;
              Document doc = uidoc.Document;
              View view = doc.ActiveView;

              XYZ p;

            p = uidoc.Selection.PickPoint(
              "Please pick text insertion point" );
              catch( Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions.OperationCanceledException )
            return Result.Cancelled;

              //TextNoteType boldTextType = doc.GetElement(
              //  new ElementId( 1212838 ) ) as TextNoteType; // Arial 3/32" Bold

              // 1 inch = 72 points
              // 3/32" = 72 * 3/32 points = ...

              TextNoteType textType
            = new FilteredElementCollector( doc )
              .OfClass( typeof( TextNoteType ) )
              .FirstElement() as TextNoteType;

              Debug.Print( "TextNoteType.Name = " + textType.Name );

              // 6 mm Arial happens to be the first text type found
              // 6 mm = 6 / 25.4 inch = 72 * 6 / 25.4 points = 17 pt.
              // Nowadays, Windows does not assume that a point is
              // 1/72", but moved to 1/96" instead.

              float text_type_height_mm = 6;

              float mm_per_inch = 25.4f;

              float points_per_inch = 96; // not 72

              float em_size = points_per_inch
            * ( text_type_height_mm / mm_per_inch );

              em_size += 2.5f;

              Font font = new Font( "Arial", em_size,
            FontStyle.Regular );

              using( Transaction t = new Transaction( doc ) )
            t.Start( "Create TextNote" );

            //string s = "TEST BOLD";

            string s = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog";

            Size txtBox = System.Windows.Forms.TextRenderer
              .MeasureText( s, font );

            double w_inch = txtBox.Width / DpiX;
            double v_scale = view.Scale; // ratio of true model size to paper size

              "Text box width in pixels {0} = {1} inch, "
              + "view scale = {2}",
              txtBox.Width, w_inch, v_scale );

            double newWidth = w_inch / 12;

            //TextNote txNote = doc.Create.NewTextNote(
            //  doc.ActiveView, p, XYZ.BasisX, XYZ.BasisY,
            //  newWidth, TextAlignFlags.TEF_ALIGN_LEFT
            //  | TextAlignFlags.TEF_ALIGN_BOTTOM, s ); // 2015
            //txNote.TextNoteType = textType; // 2015

            TextNote txNote = TextNote.Create( doc,
              doc.ActiveView.Id, p, s, textType.Id ); // 2016

              "NewTextNote lineWidth {0} times view scale "
              + "{1} = {2} generated TextNote.Width {3}",
              Util.RealString( newWidth ),
              Util.RealString( v_scale ),
              Util.RealString( newWidth * v_scale ),
              Util.RealString( txNote.Width ) );

            // This fails.

            //  Util.IsEqual( newWidth * v_scale, txNote.Width ),
            //  "expected the NewTextNote lineWidth "
            //  + "argument to determine the resulting "
            //  + "text note width" );

            txNote.Width = newWidth * v_scale;

            //6mm Arial
            //Text box width in pixels 668 = 6.95833349227905 inch, scale 100
            //NewTextNote lineWidth 0.58 times view scale 100 = 57.99 generated TextNote.Width 59.32

              return Result.Succeeded;