BuildingCoder.CmdNewColumnTypeInstance.Execute C# (CSharp) Method

Execute() public method

public Execute ( ExternalCommandData commandData, string &message, ElementSet elements ) : System.Result
commandData ExternalCommandData
message string
elements ElementSet
return System.Result
        public Result Execute(
            ExternalCommandData commandData,
            ref string message,
            ElementSet elements)
            Result rc = Result.Failed;

              UIApplication app = commandData.Application;
              Document doc = app.ActiveUIDocument.Document;

              // Check whether the family we are
              // interested in is loaded:

            #if _2010
              List<Element> symbols = new List<Element>();

              Filter filter = app.Create.Filter.NewFamilyFilter(
            _family_name );

              doc.get_Elements( filter, symbols );

              // the family filter returns both the
              // symbols and the family itself:

              Family f = null;
              foreach( Element e in symbols )
            if( e is Family )
              f = e as Family;
            else if( e is FamilySymbol )
              FamilySymbol s = e as FamilySymbol;
            "Family name={0}, symbol name={1}",
            s.Family.Name, s.Name );

              Family f = Util.GetFirstElementOfTypeNamed(
            doc, typeof( Family ), _family_name ) as Family;

              using ( Transaction t = new Transaction( doc ) )
            t.Start( "Create New Column Type and Instance" );

            // If the family was not already loaded, then do so:

            if ( null == f )
              if ( !doc.LoadFamily( _path, out f ) )
            message = "Unable to load '" + _path + "'.";

            if ( null != f )
              Debug.Print( "Family name={0}", f.Name );

              // Pick a symbol for duplication, any one
              // will do, we select the first:

              FamilySymbol s = null;

              //foreach( FamilySymbol s2 in f.Symbols ) // 2014

              foreach ( ElementId id in f.GetFamilySymbolIds() ) // 2015
            s = doc.GetElement( id ) as FamilySymbol;

              Debug.Assert( null != s,
            "expected at least one symbol"
            + " to be defined in family" );

              // Duplicate the existing symbol:

              ElementType s1 = s.Duplicate( "Nuovo simbolo" );
              s = s1 as FamilySymbol;

              // Analyse the symbol parameters:

              foreach ( Parameter param in s.Parameters )
              "Parameter name={0}, value={1}",
              param.AsValueString() );

              // Define new dimensions for our new type;
              // the specified parameter name is case sensitive:

              //s.get_Parameter( "Width" ).Set( Util.MmToFoot( 500 ) ); // 2014
              //s.get_Parameter( "Depth" ).Set( Util.MmToFoot( 1000 ) ); // 2014

              s.LookupParameter( "Width" ).Set( Util.MmToFoot( 500 ) ); // 2015
              s.LookupParameter( "Depth" ).Set( Util.MmToFoot( 1000 ) ); // 2015

              // We can change the symbol name at any time:

              s.Name = "Nuovo simbolo due";

              // Insert an instance of our new symbol:

              XYZ p = XYZ.Zero;
            p, s, nonStructural );

              // For a column, the reference direction is ignored:

              //XYZ normal = new XYZ( 1, 2, 3 );
              //  p, s, normal, null, nonStructural );

              rc = Result.Succeeded;
              return rc;