Axiom.Fonts.Font.createTexture C# (CSharp) Method

createTexture() protected method

protected createTexture ( ) : void
return void
		protected void createTexture()
			// Just create the texture here, and point it at ourselves for when
			// it wants to (re)load for real
			String texName = Name + "FontTexture";
			// Create, setting isManual to true and passing self as loader
			texture = (Texture)TextureManager.Instance.Create( texName, Group, true, this, null );
			texture.TextureType = TextureType.TwoD;
			texture.MipmapCount = 0;

			TextureUnitState t = Material.GetTechnique( 0 ).GetPass( 0 ).CreateTextureUnitState( texName );
			// Allow min/mag filter, but no mip
			t.SetTextureFiltering( FilterOptions.Linear, FilterOptions.Linear, FilterOptions.None );