Accord.Video.VFW.AVIReader.GetNextFrame C# (CSharp) Method

GetNextFrame() public method

Get next frame of opened video stream.

The method reads and returns the next video frame in the opened video stream at the position, which is set in Position property.

Thrown if no video file was open. A error occurred while reading next video frame. See exception message.
public GetNextFrame ( ) : Bitmap
return System.Drawing.Bitmap
        public Bitmap GetNextFrame( )
            lock ( sync )
                if ( file == IntPtr.Zero )
                    throw new System.IO.IOException( "Cannot read video frames since video file is not open." );

                // get frame at specified position
                IntPtr DIB = Win32.AVIStreamGetFrame( getFrame, position );
                if ( DIB == IntPtr.Zero )
                    throw new VideoException( "Failed getting frame." );

                Win32.BITMAPINFOHEADER bitmapInfoHeader;

                // copy BITMAPINFOHEADER from unmanaged memory
                bitmapInfoHeader = (Win32.BITMAPINFOHEADER) Marshal.PtrToStructure( DIB, typeof( Win32.BITMAPINFOHEADER ) );

                // create new bitmap
                Bitmap image = new Bitmap( width, height, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb );

                // lock bitmap data
                BitmapData imageData = image.LockBits(
                    new Rectangle( 0, 0, width, height ),
                    PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb );

                // copy image data
                int srcStride = imageData.Stride;
                int dstStride = imageData.Stride;

                // check image direction
                if ( bitmapInfoHeader.height > 0 )
                    // it`s a bottom-top image
                    int dst = imageData.Scan0.ToInt32( ) + dstStride * ( height - 1 );
                    int src = DIB.ToInt32( ) + Marshal.SizeOf( typeof( Win32.BITMAPINFOHEADER ) );

                    for ( int y = 0; y < height; y++ )
                        Win32.memcpy( dst, src, srcStride );
                        dst -= dstStride;
                        src += srcStride;
                    // it`s a top bootom image
                    int dst = imageData.Scan0.ToInt32( );
                    int src = DIB.ToInt32( ) + Marshal.SizeOf( typeof( Win32.BITMAPINFOHEADER ) );

                    // copy the whole image
                    Win32.memcpy( dst, src, srcStride * height );

                // unlock bitmap data
                image.UnlockBits( imageData );

                // move position to the next frame

                return image;

Usage Example

Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Worker thread.
        /// </summary>
        private void WorkerThread( )
            ReasonToFinishPlaying reasonToStop = ReasonToFinishPlaying.StoppedByUser;
            // AVI reader
			AVIReader aviReader = new AVIReader( );

				// open file
				aviReader.Open( source );

                // stop positions
                int stopPosition = aviReader.Start + aviReader.Length;

                // frame interval
                int interval = ( frameIntervalFromSource ) ? (int) ( 1000 / aviReader.FrameRate ) : frameInterval;

                while ( !stopEvent.WaitOne( 0, false ) )
					// start time
					DateTime start = DateTime.Now;

					// get next frame
					Bitmap bitmap = aviReader.GetNextFrame( );

                    bytesReceived += bitmap.Width * bitmap.Height *
                        ( Bitmap.GetPixelFormatSize( bitmap.PixelFormat ) >> 3 );

					if ( NewFrame != null )
						NewFrame( this, new NewFrameEventArgs( bitmap ) );

					// free image
					bitmap.Dispose( );

                    // check current position
                    if ( aviReader.Position >= stopPosition )
                        reasonToStop = ReasonToFinishPlaying.EndOfStreamReached;

                    // wait for a while ?
                    if ( interval > 0 )
                        // get frame extract duration
                        TimeSpan span = DateTime.Now.Subtract( start );

                        // miliseconds to sleep
                        int msec = interval - (int) span.TotalMilliseconds;

                        if ( ( msec > 0 ) && ( stopEvent.WaitOne( msec, false ) ) )
			catch ( Exception exception )
                // provide information to clients
                if ( VideoSourceError != null )
                    VideoSourceError( this, new VideoSourceErrorEventArgs( exception.Message ) );

			aviReader.Dispose( );
			aviReader = null;

            if ( PlayingFinished != null )
                PlayingFinished( this, reasonToStop );
All Usage Examples Of Accord.Video.VFW.AVIReader::GetNextFrame