UnityEditor.ModelImporterClipAnimation.ConfigureClipFromMask C# (CSharp) Méthode

ConfigureClipFromMask() public méthode

Copy the mask settings from an AvatarMask to the clip configuration.

public ConfigureClipFromMask ( AvatarMask mask ) : void
mask UnityEditor.Animations.AvatarMask AvatarMask from which the mask settings will be imported.
Résultat void
        public void ConfigureClipFromMask(AvatarMask mask)
            this.m_TransformMask = new TransformMaskElement[mask.transformCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < mask.transformCount; i++)
                this.m_TransformMask[i].path = mask.GetTransformPath(i);
                this.m_TransformMask[i].weight = !mask.GetTransformActive(i) ? 0f : 1f;
            this.m_BodyMask = new int[13];
            for (int j = 0; j < 13; j++)
                this.m_BodyMask[j] = !mask.GetHumanoidBodyPartActive((AvatarMaskBodyPart) j) ? 0 : 1;

Usage Example

 /// <summary>
 /// <para>Creates a mask that matches the model hierarchy, and applies it to the provided ModelImporterClipAnimation.</para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="clip">Clip to which the mask will be applied.</param>
 public void CreateDefaultMaskForClip(ModelImporterClipAnimation clip)
     if (this.defaultClipAnimations.Length > 0)
         AvatarMask mask = new AvatarMask();
         this.defaultClipAnimations[0].ConfigureMaskFromClip(ref mask);
         Debug.LogError("Cannot create default mask because the current importer doesn't have any animation information");
All Usage Examples Of UnityEditor.ModelImporterClipAnimation::ConfigureClipFromMask