System.Yaml.Serialization.ObjectMemberAccessor.ObjectMemberAccessor C# (CSharp) Méthode

ObjectMemberAccessor() private méthode

private ObjectMemberAccessor ( Type type ) : System.Collections.Generic
type Type
Résultat System.Collections.Generic
        private ObjectMemberAccessor(Type type)
            if ( !TypeUtils.IsPublic(type) )
                throw new ArgumentException(
                    "Can not serialize non-public type {0}.".DoFormat(type.FullName));

            const BindingFlags propertyFlags = BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.GetProperty | BindingFlags.NonPublic;

            // public properties
            foreach ( var p in type.GetProperties(propertyFlags) ) {
                var prop = p; // create closures with this local variable
                // not readable or parameters required to access the property
                if ( !prop.CanRead || prop.GetGetMethod(false) == null || prop.GetIndexParameters().Count() != 0 )
                Func<object, object> get = ReflectionUtils.CreateGetPropertyMethod(prop);
                Action<object, object> set = ReflectionUtils.CreateSetPropertyMethod(prop);
                RegisterMember(type, prop, prop.PropertyType, get, set);

            const BindingFlags fieldFlags = BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.GetField | BindingFlags.NonPublic;

            // public fields
            foreach ( var f in type.GetFields(fieldFlags) ) {
                var field = f;
                Func<object, object> get = ReflectionUtils.CreateGetFieldMethod(field);
                Action<object, object> set = ReflectionUtils.CreateSetFieldMethod(field);
                RegisterMember(type, field, field.FieldType, get, set);

            Type itype;

            // implements IDictionary
            if ( type.GetInterface("System.Collections.IDictionary") != null ) {
                IsDictionary = true;
                IsReadOnly = obj => ( (System.Collections.IDictionary)obj ).IsReadOnly;
                // extract Key, Value types from IDictionary<??, ??>
                itype = type.GetInterface("System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2");
                if ( itype != null ) {
                    KeyType = itype.GetGenericArguments()[0];
                    ValueType = itype.GetGenericArguments()[1];
            } else
                // implements ICollection<T>
                if ( ( itype = type.GetInterface("System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1") ) != null ) {
                    ValueType = itype.GetGenericArguments()[0];
                    var add = itype.GetMethod("Add", new Type[] { ValueType });
                    CollectionAdd = (obj, value) => add.Invoke(obj, new object[] { value });
                    var clear = itype.GetMethod("Clear", new Type[0]);
                    CollectionClear = obj => clear.Invoke(obj, new object[0]);
                    var isReadOnly = itype.GetProperty("IsReadOnly", new Type[0]).GetGetMethod();
                    IsReadOnly = obj => (bool)isReadOnly.Invoke(obj, new object[0]);
                } else
                    // implements IList
                    if ( ( itype = type.GetInterface("System.Collections.IList") ) != null ) {
                        var add = itype.GetMethod("Add", new Type[] { typeof(object) });
                        CollectionAdd = (obj, value) => add.Invoke(obj, new object[] { value });
                        var clear = itype.GetMethod("Clear", new Type[0]);
                        CollectionClear = obj => clear.Invoke(obj, new object[0]);
                        /* IList<T> implements ICollection<T>
                        // Extract Value Type from IList<T>
                        itype = type.GetInterface("System.Collections.Generic.IList`1");
                        if ( itype != null )
                            ValueType = itype.GetGenericArguments()[0];
                        IsReadOnly = obj => ((System.Collections.IList)obj).IsReadOnly;