System.Reflection.CustomAttribute.GetCustomAttributes C# (CSharp) Méthode

GetCustomAttributes() static private méthode

static private GetCustomAttributes ( Module decoratedModule, int decoratedMetadataToken, int pcaCount, RuntimeType attributeFilterType, bool mustBeInheritable, IList derivedAttributes ) : object[]
decoratedModule Module
decoratedMetadataToken int
pcaCount int
attributeFilterType RuntimeType
mustBeInheritable bool
derivedAttributes IList
Résultat object[]
        internal unsafe static object[] GetCustomAttributes(
            Module decoratedModule, int decoratedMetadataToken, int pcaCount, 
            RuntimeType attributeFilterType, bool mustBeInheritable, IList derivedAttributes)
            if (decoratedModule.Assembly.ReflectionOnly)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_ReflectionOnlyCA"));

            MetadataImport scope = decoratedModule.MetadataImport;
            CustomAttributeRecord[] car = CustomAttributeData.GetCustomAttributeRecords(decoratedModule, decoratedMetadataToken);

            bool useObjectArray = (attributeFilterType == null || attributeFilterType.IsValueType || attributeFilterType.ContainsGenericParameters);
            Type arrayType = useObjectArray ? typeof(object) : attributeFilterType;

            if (attributeFilterType == null && car.Length == 0)
                return Array.CreateInstance(arrayType, 0) as object[];

            object[] attributes = Array.CreateInstance(arrayType, car.Length) as object[];
            int cAttributes = 0;

            // Custom attribute security checks are done with respect to the assembly *decorated* with the 
            // custom attribute as opposed to the *caller of GetCustomAttributes*.
            // Since this assembly might not be on the stack and the attribute ctor or property setters we're about to invoke may
            // make security demands, we push a frame on the stack as a proxy for the decorated assembly (this frame will be picked
            // up an interpreted by the security stackwalker).
            // Once we push the frame it will be automatically popped in the event of an exception, so no need to use CERs or the
            // like.
            SecurityContextFrame frame = new SecurityContextFrame();

            // Optimization for the case where attributes decorate entities in the same assembly in which case 
            // we can cache the successful APTCA check between the decorated and the declared assembly.
            Assembly lastAptcaOkAssembly = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < car.Length; i++)
                object attribute = null;
                CustomAttributeRecord caRecord = car[i];

                RuntimeMethodHandle ctor = new RuntimeMethodHandle();
                RuntimeType attributeType = null;
                bool ctorHasParameters, isVarArg;
                int cNamedArgs = 0;
                IntPtr blobStart = caRecord.blob.Signature;
                IntPtr blobEnd = (IntPtr)((byte*)blobStart + caRecord.blob.Length);
                if (!FilterCustomAttributeRecord(caRecord, scope, ref lastAptcaOkAssembly, 
                                                 decoratedModule, decoratedMetadataToken, attributeFilterType, mustBeInheritable, 
                                                 attributes, derivedAttributes,
                                                 out attributeType, out ctor, out ctorHasParameters, out isVarArg))

                if (!ctor.IsNullHandle())
                    // Linktime demand checks 
                    // decoratedMetadataToken needed as it may be "transparent" in which case we do a full stack walk
                    ctor.CheckLinktimeDemands(decoratedModule, decoratedMetadataToken);

                // Leverage RuntimeConstructorInfo standard .ctor verfication
                RuntimeConstructorInfo.CheckCanCreateInstance(attributeType, isVarArg); 

                // Create custom attribute object
                if (ctorHasParameters)
                    attribute = CreateCaObject(decoratedModule, ctor, ref blobStart, blobEnd, out cNamedArgs); 
                    attribute = attributeType.TypeHandle.CreateCaInstance(ctor);

                    if (Marshal.ReadInt16(blobStart) != 1)
                        throw new CustomAttributeFormatException();
                    blobStart = (IntPtr)((byte*)blobStart + 2); // skip 0x0001 prefix

                    cNamedArgs = Marshal.ReadInt16(blobStart);
                    blobStart = (IntPtr)((byte*)blobStart + 2); // skip namedArgs count

                for (int j = 0; j < cNamedArgs; j++)
                    #region // Initialize named properties and fields
                    string name;
                    bool isProperty;
                    Type type;
                    object value;
                    IntPtr blobItr = caRecord.blob.Signature;

                    GetPropertyOrFieldData(decoratedModule, ref blobStart, blobEnd, out name, out isProperty, out type, out value);

                        if (isProperty)
                            #region // Initialize property
                            if (type == null && value != null)
                                type = (value.GetType() == typeof(RuntimeType)) ? typeof(Type) : value.GetType();

                            RuntimePropertyInfo property = null;

                            if (type == null)
                                property = attributeType.GetProperty(name) as RuntimePropertyInfo;
                                property = attributeType.GetProperty(name, type, Type.EmptyTypes) as RuntimePropertyInfo;

                            RuntimeMethodInfo setMethod = property.GetSetMethod(true) as RuntimeMethodInfo;
                            // Public properties may have non-public setter methods
                            if (!setMethod.IsPublic)

                            setMethod.MethodHandle.CheckLinktimeDemands(decoratedModule, decoratedMetadataToken);

                            setMethod.Invoke(attribute, BindingFlags.Default, null, new object[] { value }, null, true);
                            RtFieldInfo field = attributeType.GetField(name) as RtFieldInfo;

                            field.InternalSetValue(attribute, value, BindingFlags.Default, Type.DefaultBinder, null, false);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        throw new CustomAttributeFormatException(
                            String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, Environment.GetResourceString(
                                isProperty ? "RFLCT.InvalidPropFail" : "RFLCT.InvalidFieldFail"), name), e);

                if (!blobStart.Equals(blobEnd))
                    throw new CustomAttributeFormatException();

                attributes[cAttributes++] = attribute;

            // The frame will be popped automatically if we take an exception any time after we pushed it. So no need of a catch or
            // finally or CERs here.

            if (cAttributes == car.Length && pcaCount == 0)
                return attributes;

            if (cAttributes == 0)
                Array.CreateInstance(arrayType, 0);

            object[] result = Array.CreateInstance(arrayType, cAttributes + pcaCount) as object[];
            Array.Copy(attributes, 0, result, 0, cAttributes);
            return result;

Same methods

CustomAttribute::GetCustomAttributes ( Assembly assembly, RuntimeType caType ) : Object[]
CustomAttribute::GetCustomAttributes ( Module module, RuntimeType caType ) : Object[]
CustomAttribute::GetCustomAttributes ( ParameterInfo parameter, RuntimeType caType ) : Object[]
CustomAttribute::GetCustomAttributes ( RuntimeConstructorInfo ctor, RuntimeType caType ) : Object[]
CustomAttribute::GetCustomAttributes ( RuntimeEventInfo e, RuntimeType caType ) : Object[]
CustomAttribute::GetCustomAttributes ( RuntimeFieldInfo field, RuntimeType caType ) : Object[]
CustomAttribute::GetCustomAttributes ( RuntimeMethodInfo method, RuntimeType caType, bool inherit ) : Object[]
CustomAttribute::GetCustomAttributes ( RuntimePropertyInfo property, RuntimeType caType ) : Object[]
CustomAttribute::GetCustomAttributes ( RuntimeType type, RuntimeType caType, bool inherit ) : Object[]
CustomAttribute::GetCustomAttributes ( Module decoratedModule, int decoratedMetadataToken, int pcaCount, RuntimeType attributeFilterType ) : object[]

Usage Example

Exemple #1
 public override Object[] GetCustomAttributes(bool inherit)
     return(CustomAttribute.GetCustomAttributes(this, typeof(object) as RuntimeType));
All Usage Examples Of System.Reflection.CustomAttribute::GetCustomAttributes