Rainy.OAuth.OAuthHandler.SetupInspectors C# (CSharp) Méthode

SetupInspectors() protected méthode

protected SetupInspectors ( ) : void
Résultat void
        protected void SetupInspectors()
            //inspectors.Add(new NonceStoreInspector (NonceStore));
            inspectors.Add(new OAuth10AInspector (TokenStore));

            // request tokens may only be 36 hour old
            // HACK this will compare client & server times. if the client time is of
            // by more than 36 ours, the request will fail totally
            inspectors.Add(new TimestampRangeInspector (new TimeSpan (36, 0, 0)));

            // TODO HACK signature validation currently fails
            // this is not so bad, as we rely on SSL for encryption, we just have to make sure
            // the access token is valid elsewhere
            //inspectors.Add(new SignatureValidationInspector (ConsumerStore));

            // will check the consumer_key to be known
            // might be disabled since our consumer_key is public (="anyone")
            // new ConsumerValidationInspector (ConsumerStore)

            Provider = new OAuthProvider (TokenStore, inspectors.ToArray ());