RFID.RFIDInterface.Source_QueryParms.load C# (CSharp) Méthode

load() public méthode

public load ( rfid transport, UInt32 readerHandle ) : rfid.Constants.Result
transport rfid
readerHandle System.UInt32
Résultat rfid.Constants.Result
        public rfid.Constants.Result load(
            rfid.Linkage transport,
            UInt32       readerHandle
            Result result;

            result = transport.API_l8K6CGetQueryTagGroup( ref this.nativeTagGroup);

            if (Result.OK != result)
                return result;

            SingulationAlgorithm algorithm = SingulationAlgorithm.UNKNOWN;

            result = transport.API_l8K6CGetCurrentSingulationAlgorithm(ref algorithm);

            if (Result.OK != result)
                return result;

            switch (algorithm)
                case SingulationAlgorithm.FIXEDQ:
                        this.nativeSingulationParms = new FixedQParms();
                case SingulationAlgorithm.DYNAMICQ:
                        this.nativeSingulationParms = new DynamicQParms();
                //case SingulationAlgorithm.DYNAMICQ_ADJUST:
                //    {

                //    }
                //    break;
                //case SingulationAlgorithm.DYNAMICQ_THRESHOLD:
                //    {

                //    }
                //    break;

                        return Result.DRIVER_MISMATCH;

            result = transport.API_l8K6CGetSingulationAlgorithmParameters
                    ref this.nativeSingulationParms

            if ( Result.OK == result )

                Type algoType = this.nativeSingulationParms.GetType();

                if (algoType == typeof(rfid.Structures.FixedQParms))
                    this.sourceParameters = new Source_SingulationParametersFixedQ
                            ( rfid.Structures.FixedQParms ) this.nativeSingulationParms
                else if (algoType == typeof(rfid.Structures.DynamicQParms))
                    this.sourceParameters = new Source_SingulationParametersDynamicQ
                            ( rfid.Structures.DynamicQParms ) this.nativeSingulationParms
                    System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show( "ERR : Algorithm.Copy( Source_QueryParms from )" );
                    Console.WriteLine( "ERR : Algorithm.Copy( Source_QueryParms from )" );

            return result;

Usage Example

        public ConfigureSettingsControl( LakeChabotReader reader )
            if ( reader == null )
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "reader", "Null reader passed to ConfigureGeneral CTOR()" );

            if ( reader.Mode != rfidReader.OperationMode.BoundToReader )
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException( "reader", "Unbound reader passed to ConfigureGeneral()" );

            InitializeComponent( );

            this.reader = reader;

            _timer           = new Timer( );
            _timer.Interval  = 5000;
            _timer.Tick     += new EventHandler( timer_Tick );

            string startupPowerState      = Properties.Settings.Default.startupPowerState;
            string startupOpMode          = Properties.Settings.Default.startupOperationalMode;
            int    startupAlgorithmNumber = Properties.Settings.Default.startupInventoryAlgorithm;

            //Interface radiobutton=============================================================

                UInt32                uiModelNameMajor  = 0;
                string                strModule         = string.Empty;
                rfid.Constants.Result result            = rfid.Constants.Result.OK;

                //Get Model Name
                result  = reader.MacReadOemData((ushort)((int)enumOEM_ADDR.MODEL_NAME_MAIN), ref uiModelNameMajor);
                if (rfid.Constants.Result.OK != result)
                    btn_Update.Enabled = false;

                strModule= String.Format( "RU-{0}{1}{2}",
                                          (char)((uiModelNameMajor >> 16) & 0xFF),
                                          (char)((uiModelNameMajor >>  8) & 0xFF),
                                          (char)( uiModelNameMajor        & 0xFF)   );

                if (strModule == "RU-824")
                    rBtn_USB.Checked   = true;
                    btn_Update.Enabled = false;
                    rBtn_UART.Enabled  = false;

                if (uiModelNameMajor == 0x4D303258)//0x4D303258==M02X
                    rBtn_UART.Checked = true;
                    btn_Update.Enabled = false;
                    rBtn_USB.Enabled = false;

                UInt32 oemData = 0;
                result = reader.MacReadOemData( (ushort) enumOEM_ADDR.HOST_IF_SEL, ref oemData);
                if (rfid.Constants.Result.OK != result)
                    btn_Update.Enabled = false;

                if (oemData == (uint)enumPORT.ENUM_PORT_USB)
                    rBtn_USB.Checked = true;
                    rBtn_UART.Checked = false;
                    rBtn_USB.Checked = false;
                    rBtn_UART.Checked = true;



            // profileComboBox=============================================================
            this.profileList = new Source_LinkProfileList ( LakeChabotReader.MANAGED_ACCESS,
                                                            this.reader.ReaderHandle );

            this.profileList.load( );

            int count = 0;

            foreach ( Source_LinkProfile linkProfile in profileList )
                profileComboBox.Items.Add( count + " : " + linkProfile.ToString( ) );

                ++ count;

            profileComboBox.SelectedIndex = ( int ) profileList.getActiveProfileIndex( );

            this.profileComboBox.SelectedIndexChanged += new System.EventHandler( this.profileComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged );

            // Currently out of sync with 'new' model ~ no explicit read done
            // here or source provided ~ done via reader call...
            foreach ( rfid.Constants.SingulationAlgorithm item in Enum.GetValues( typeof( rfid.Constants.SingulationAlgorithm ) ) )
                algorithmComboBox.Items.Add( item );

            // skipping err checking on these shortcut methods...

            Source_QueryParms queryParms = new Source_QueryParms( );

            queryParms.load( LakeChabotReader.MANAGED_ACCESS, reader.ReaderHandle );

            algorithmComboBox.SelectedIndex = algorithmComboBox.Items.IndexOf

            algorithmComboBox.SelectedIndexChanged += new System.EventHandler( this.algorithmComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged );
All Usage Examples Of RFID.RFIDInterface.Source_QueryParms::load